Hi guys, I have been lurking on these forums for Years but have never officially created an account.
I've been TTC #3 for about 2 yrs with a MC 1.5 yrs ago. No bfp so to speak since. Well finally got one. I had mostly given up on counting days because my cycles had gotten really short for a while so not sure where I'm at. Can usually tell when AF is coming, felt like it was about to, but just had a feeling I needed to test. Barely positive on the Internet cheapies. It was a squinter. Not knowing where I was in cycle I didn't worry. 4 days later..still squinters. Felt pretty yucky the past few days, this morning, syptoms Vanished. Hgcs haven't gotten lighter but haven't gotten darker either. Wondered if I got a bad/old batch of Hgcs. It was all I had though. I had a box of OPKs of a different brand and tried one of those. Got a line as dark as the test line. Good sign ? Thoughts? I told myself I wasn't going to just assume this pg is doomed because of passed troubles but it's hard right now. No spotting or cramps. Did not have implantation spotting but had pretty decent cramps at the time.
My two healthy pgs all had implantation spotting. My m/c also did Not have spotting. I'm going crazy.
I've been TTC #3 for about 2 yrs with a MC 1.5 yrs ago. No bfp so to speak since. Well finally got one. I had mostly given up on counting days because my cycles had gotten really short for a while so not sure where I'm at. Can usually tell when AF is coming, felt like it was about to, but just had a feeling I needed to test. Barely positive on the Internet cheapies. It was a squinter. Not knowing where I was in cycle I didn't worry. 4 days later..still squinters. Felt pretty yucky the past few days, this morning, syptoms Vanished. Hgcs haven't gotten lighter but haven't gotten darker either. Wondered if I got a bad/old batch of Hgcs. It was all I had though. I had a box of OPKs of a different brand and tried one of those. Got a line as dark as the test line. Good sign ? Thoughts? I told myself I wasn't going to just assume this pg is doomed because of passed troubles but it's hard right now. No spotting or cramps. Did not have implantation spotting but had pretty decent cramps at the time.
My two healthy pgs all had implantation spotting. My m/c also did Not have spotting. I'm going crazy.