Clomid and metformin combination


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Hi all I've been on clomid now for 7months with pcos ttc#2 had no problems with ttc#1 dd was a very big but happy surprise,any way after 6months 50mg clomid with no pregnancy my doc put me on 100mg clomid day 2-6 and 500mg met everyday I'm on cycle day 14 and am having major cramps like af is going to come early? I never have ovulation signs as in cramps i have taken home ovulation tests every month and never had a positive result although blood work shows I've ovulated,I'm just wondering/praying the symptoms Im having are a baby gettin comfy 4 the next 9months my symptoms are bloated,tired,lower ab cramps,slight dull lower back ache,watery feeling in my mouth like I need to be sick,restless at night,and constant trips too the loo has any one else had these symptoms so early and had a positive result? Any clomid/met story's welcome x
I don't have a Met story, but Clomid can very distinctly mimic pregnancy symptoms, so I know it's hard and even I need to take my own advice, but I wouldn't put too much stock in any of the physical symptoms. Also; I never have O pains on unmedicated cycles, but on clomid I have very strong undeniable O pains. So hopefully that's what it is and your body is working like it is supposed to! Good Luck!! :dust:
Thanks for the. Reply :) it was O pains after all had a strong positive opk on cd 16 and again 2day cd 17 had a positive but slightly lighter opk :) iv never had a positive opk so I'm hopefull my first +opk was at 8am so we baby danced when dh came home at 8pm I'm praying we have made it in "the 12-36 hour window",has anyone ever had 2 days of +opk?? Just wondering if it means I O'd on cd 16 or today on 17?? Temp is not a good way 2measure for me as I have other things that cause a rise in my temp so I'm relying on opk's fingers crossed this is the month :)
Thanks for the. Reply :) it was O pains after all had a strong positive opk on cd 16 and again 2day cd 17 had a positive but slightly lighter opk :) iv never had a positive opk so I'm hopefull my first +opk was at 8am so we baby danced when dh came home at 8pm I'm praying we have made it in "the 12-36 hour window",has anyone ever had 2 days of +opk?? Just wondering if it means I O'd on cd 16 or today on 17?? Temp is not a good way 2measure for me as I have other things that cause a rise in my temp so I'm relying on opk's fingers crossed this is the month :)

All the best to you ! and loads of baby dust !! :dust: .Me put on metformin (1500 mg a day ) along with clomid - first cycle on it (50 mg cd 2-6) .Metformin did help me shed some 20 odd pounds .(using it for over 2 months now ) .I too hope to get pregger this month ( had my AF on 25th of June ) .Dont usually have any O symptoms but wish to have one this time - i dont wanna miss it this time ( i am tired of trying for the past 1 year ) .TTC can get so frustrating > never knew (seems to be the only thing on my mind )
I hope u do get O pains this month,we've been ttc for 4years,first 2 just relaxed then discovered I have pcos so after all the tests ect been put on clomid 50mg 2-6 for 6months with no joy,now months 7 on clomid 100mg 2-6 and met 500mg daily and this is the first month iv had positive opk so I'm hopefull,its. All I think about and dh as this will be his 1st child my dd is from a previous relationship,I get a twinge,cramp and look it up 2 see if its early signs I'm obcessed,I have had bloated and pressure in my lower ab an uterus are since O and gassy,tired and dull back ache but I suppose it could be a number of things since iv never really noticed O before this is all a first for me :),sending u baby dust and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
Can the basal body temperature be detected using a normal digital thermometer ? and is it ok if i start charting it from today ( i am on my cd 9 ) - would it suffice for me to predict my Ovulation this time ( getting an OPK is almost next to impossible here ) . i am very very anxious and i so badly want it to hapen this time .
I can't help with that one I can't chart my temp as I have other conditions that cause change in my temp but I'm sure if u start now an youhavent O'd already (some people do O early) then you will notice when your temp changes for O on a "normal" 28 day cycle it is usually cd 14-15 for me its cd 16-cd 18 as I have irregular cycles good luck sorry I couldn't be more help
Hey Bev_2012

i went through couple of blogs on the basal temperature thingie and turnsout , it takes more than a month of charting to get more or less accurate ovulation prediction with this method . Guess will have to go by my instincts (again) this time . and keep trying from day 14. (jeez its like shooting an arrow in the dark ) .I really hope this works out for me , have planned a vaccation with DH this weekend, hoping for the bean ! fingers X . Pray for me !!
We usually bd from cd 7 every other day till cd20 to make sure we have some liitle swimmers waiting but just seems nothing is connecting for us,good luck I'll have everything crossed for you x
Since last evening i have had this moderate pressing pain on my right almost lower abdomen , it aches when i touch/press there . is this something i need to worry about , or is it clomid ? or am i merely freaking out
So I woke up this morning started to get dressed and all of a sudden felt the urge to vomit (8am) have been sick since until I ate toast at 10am then it stopped??? Trying not 2read to much into it as it could be a bug but I don't have any other bug like signs here's praying its an early pg sign :)
had this kind of watery CM last night and am weak and dizzy this morn... are these o symptoms ( am on CD11 ) ..
Sounds like your body getting ready for O are you doing opk's?? As for me not feeling sick 2day :( bit gutted however I do feel bloated and I'm very snappy hope this is not early af x
nopes sweetheart aint doing OPKs , besides my LH levels been fluctuating , so OPKS cant b relied either .when are u plannin to do the test ?
10dpo I think so tuesday,iv seen s few people get faint positives from 8dpo but 10dpo is a bit clearer so won't get false hope :),if I were you I'd bd cd 11,cd 13 cd14 cd15 an cd 17 if u have a 28 day cycle ususlly O is cd 13-15 but everyone is diff,are you taking clomid some people say you can O 5-9 days after your last dose of clomid good luck x
hey bev how r u keeping? we did BD on cd 11 and 12, today is CD 13. planning for tonight aswell .Its tough - especially so when i havent told my husband about all the tracking ( of CDs and ovualtions) , I have been doing ( he doesnt like it when i fret over not been able to conceive)- it that way atleast one of us is stress free . anyways still keeping my fingers X . badly hoping for a july bean . Loads of dust on you ! all the best for tuesday
Hi,I'm ok really crampy yesterday and today,yesterday (6dpo) had cramps head ache,bloated,tired an back ache so prayin that's a sign of implantation?? I have bloods on monday 2 as its first month on both met an clomid so fingers crossed its the boost we needed,hope we get our july beans :) how are you feeling today? Sticky baby dust your way x
me doing good . this is my first month on clomid , its been two month since i got on metformin ( my af got delayed by a whole month when i started on metformin- I so badly got into an impression that i am preggers , but after couple of BFNs and then finally the witch - my hopes were shattered ) .on the positive side : i lost 20 lbs and now on my first clomid cycle ( praying every second that it works ) .ur symptoms sure do sound like preggy ones ! lets keep our finger x .loads of baby dust on us ! god bless
Couldnt BD last night (CD 13 ) .My dh (poor thing ) got back home really tired after work :-(.
how r u doing bev 2012?

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