Lisa- there's lots of stimulating light and such in vegas; I wouldn't be surprised if it were overstimulation. He should be better tomorrow if he is trying to just get used to it all. Sorry! Being away from home is difficult at times, huh?
Jess I love the poster! Good job!
Suz-that is great with the letter! Def sell them for 40. They are great! I'm sure cat will love the letter too!
Lou- Lou Lou Lou- seriously honey... There is something not right about ben's insomnia. I talked to my dr about it and he said colic ( or any inconsolable crying coupled with not sleeping) is pain crying. Something is bothering him enough to not sleep. I seriously think that u should visit the dr again. Is he still on reflux meds? Is the dose maybe not high enough? I am not trying to sound rude or pushy, but I really think that his sleep deprivation is not normal, honey, and u need sleep too! Forgive me, but please go in again and leave a schedule of your last few nights and days so the dr can see how it really is, not just dismiss you.
Ellen welcome home, love!
Laura- glad the decor is moving along. Make sure u don't overdo it!
Caz Verna Marg- :wave:
Casey- how was the fair? Ours is next week. I cannot wait!
Today I took the kids and my mom to garden city (about an hour away with traffic) to the raspberry festival! Oooooo it was so fun. the rasp shakes are world famous, apparently, so I stood in line for 40 mins to get a few for us. Haha. Guess what tho? They were worth the wait! Sooooooo yummy! I wore the kids out, but we had fun! Then came home and ate corndogs and watched Rio. Haha. Junkfood day.