oh it was suz with the fox! hope he went away for good.
Lou that is so funny about in the kitchen! You guys must just always be hanging around in the kitchen, we do the same. its the best part of the house cuz its got the munchies! Or maybe the sight of you cooking does something for Ste! IS he sad its only 2 times a week at the most? You guys were quite frequent even when pregnant as I recall. Well U really ought to use BC or have him pull out at least just to be safe - cuz when ben starts sleeping more what if you were preggo again and then got your preggo insomnia? That would NOT be FAIR! My dh pulls out which I know is not 100% effective but I Think with BFing its good enough. I have never actually taken BC, always used the pull out and it worked for 5 years. HE must have good control!
Yeah I Think the 6 month thing for BFing and BC is related to the idea that most babies are partially on solids so eating less BM and thus your supply goes down.