Well, DH helped me make the choice. We're going with the drug lady, lol..
We both adored the other place, but she's not as flexible.
And if we picked her, she asks for 1 months notice before discontinuing daycare. This current lady doesn't have a policy like that (though I haven't seen her contract yet).
The nerve-wracking part is that there may not be any spots open at the other place if this first choice doesn't work out. And truly, you just don't see care of that quality for the price often. So its scary that we could miss out on that kind of place.
I'm excited to go back.. not sure how i'm going to get it together though, lol. I'm trying to go back with hours from 7-4 and with pumping etc, that means getting up no later than 5:45 I think... I need to be in the car by 6:30 and have to pump etc.. I'll be showering at night for sure, picking out my outfit etc. Mornings are going to be crazy for a while.
SIL and MIL are watching Daniel this Thurs and Friday... then we'll see how that goes before deciding to go full time or part time with daycare.
Its 150 a week for 3 days and 200 a week for 5... I think we can afford that without too much pain.
No more kids for us for a while though

Thats also kind of heartbreaking that the choice is going to be dictated by the money. Also will probably have to choose between buying a car or having a kid etc.. DH's car may not last that much longer. Mine is still in great shape but is 7 years old already. Then there is preschool to pay for and summer camp activities... dang, kids are expensive!