Thats a lot of teeth Suz!

My friend's baby didn't cut her first until she was 9 months old!
Well, DH called me. SIL just left our house because she thinks she's coming down with strep throat. Of course, she calls DH a few minutes later and says it may just be a scratchy throat and not sickness. From googling, it seems pretty rare for a baby to get it but of course we'll be worried until she figures out if she's sick or not and once he's past the window where he would come down with it.
I'm actually more stressed that MIL is now alone with Daniel for the rest of the day. UMMMM, I wasn't ok with her watching him alone!!!

And she's going to forget to write everything down, will give him bottles whenever she thinks he needs it, won't put him down for a nap or even remember the last time she fed him when I get home and he's going to be so fussy and messed up that I won't know if he's sick or just messed up from her not keeping him on schedule!
Also, I had a total mini-breakdown at work. Before all this happened, I was heading off to pump, happened to glance at my phone and instantly had a daydream imagining that DH will call me at work to tell me Daniel died. I just played out the scene in my head and couldn't shake it, ended up crying while I pumped. I know he isn't dead, I know he won't die, but just the image/feeling of what it would feel like if he did was so upsetting.
Its part of the PPD.... I keep doing the same thing imagining a SIDS death. Again, I'm not actually afraid of it, I know that its so unlikely etc, I just can't help mentally rehearsing what would happen if it DID happen. (Sort of like flashbacks for PTSD only it hasn't happened)