Yeh I am a weirdo

but I'm fairly normal these days!
I am a bad mum today.... First I took sammuel out for a walk in the new wrap, and I came back in the side of the house and scraped his little toe on the brick wall... He didn't even notice but I scraped the skin off and it bled.
Then, he was crawling to Dannys room and he fell on his face and cried, he was ok but I felt bad cos he was crawling on the wooden floor.
Then, in the bath he tries to crawl and stand up and doesn't get that it's really slippy, so he slipped and I couldn't grab him quick enough and he rolled over and his face went under and he screamed for ages! I got him straight out and cuddled him though, and got soaked!!!
Last night I felt really bad too, I got frustrated and impatient with him not going to sleep. Then he started just being really really cute and talking away to himself and I felt awful for being impatient with him
Ah well, can't get it right all the time!!
Jess how are you feeling about going back to work?
Oh, and sammuel really just wants fruit all the time at the moment! He'll have a bit of other stuff, but really is desperate for fruit all the time!! Do you think it's a phase?
Today I made him LUSH dinner! Big fat american pancakes, SO easy!! Grate an apple, few sultanas, flour and breast milk, bit of cinnamon, mix it all up to a thick gloopy batter and fry. They were so scrummy I ate half of them and am making me and Danny some for breakfast!
X x x