lol... I wish I could reduce my supply a bit, but I enjoy the luxury of having the extra so I never have to worry about having enough bottles for the next day.
Honestly, I'd love to drop the evening pump... he doesn't eat at that time anyway and if I wasn't pumping, I would have just adjusted already. But it hurts SOOOO bad to go 11 hours between feeding/pumping that I just can't bring myself to do it.
I would drop a daytime pump, but I want to be able to BF on weekends, so I don't want to reduce my daytime supply. UGH
Oh, and I almost dropped Daniel yesterday

I was getting him out of the car, had a few bags over one shoulder. I held him facing-out with my hand over his crotch and his chest across my fore-arm... as I swung the car-door shut, he almost toppled over my arm head-first

Felt like a bad mom... he would have fallen on the pavement/curb on his head!

(I know nothing actually happened, but that feeling as his weight shifted and he almost fell from my arms is still haunting me... I have a feeling it will stick with me like my fear of stepping on him when he's on the floor in our house)