Lisa - screw dh buy them! It will take a few tries, we had a few leaks to begin with. Tell him the 5 main benefits of cloth: money, environment, fabric against baby skin, no chemicals, cuteness. Can't argue with that! Are you trying a few brands? I'd never buy all of one brand without trying first. I have made that mistake. Marg hated fuzzibunz and returned them all! Try a few out.
You should never put baby poo in the bin!!! Always down the loo. It shouldn't go in to land fill. It should say on all nappy pack but they either don't bother, or write it really small. With BF poo obv it's hard... But solids just flick off.
Lou sorry bout AF
Casey - was jimmy facing you in the stroller?
I don't want to sound like I'm showing off here, I'm not. But sammuel is a good example so I may as well use him. He is brilliant in public - never scared. Take a few mins to get totally comfortable then he's squealing and laughing away. He's always the most confident and happy baby when there are others around.
Babies learn from mum / dad and they look to see how you react. When you see someone they will look at the reaction on your face, if you're smiling they know it's ok and won't be threatened. I ALWAYS have Sammuel facing me if he's in the buggy. If I'm carrying him he can see my face and be near me and he knows he's safe.
I think you need to take him out as much as possible, face him towards you and let him see that you are fine, he is fine, and you are both safe. He will learn that it's ok and he can trust people.
Just my 2 cents worth! But honestly I believe that's how babies become confident - thEy ONLY have you to learn from. The world is a big scary place to a tiny baby, but if you let them know it's ok, they will trust you...
X x x