Most tinned stuff here is just in water. They do some stuff in salted water but a lot less than there used to be. the only thing with tinned is there's always too much!
Sammuel was up loads last night, and won't have his morning nap now we've all got the damn cold too
Casey yeh the cushion is spendy! But it's cool I am finding that if you want nice stuff, it's expensive... I will have cheaper stuff too but I want all the cool stuff!
Im sorry i dont get on much, im just in so much pain when shae sleeps i rest. well try to.
Chloe is back to back which is why im in so much pain. im trying anything to get her to turn round so any tips girls?
Aww sorry she's back-to-back Laura - I can tell you the tips I was told but unfortunately nothing worked for me (Ben didn't even turn in labour). I was told by the reflexologist that the best way to turn them is to get down on all fours then lay your head and shoulders on the floor and keep your hips up high. I hardly did it because it was uncomfortable but I wish to god I had!! After having a back to back labour I would recommend you do EVERYTHING possible to turn her- and if she hasn't beg the midwife to turn her (they can do it by manipulating the bump apparently!! I woulddo anything possible to not go through that again! Even do the all fours position for hours
thanks lou. Im trying everything.
Keeping knees lower than hips.
birthing ball
sitting backwards on dinning chair.
all 4's
nothing sems to be working yet.
Im on so much pain now i could cry so dreading labour.
im seeing the drop in midwife today so will see what she says.
i was hoping for a water birth but looks like that may go out the window.
sorry laura! I agree back to back ruined my birth, I didn't know either no-one told me he was b2b.
Don't let it put you off water birth though. She could well turn if you have an active labour. I think if I'd have been up and about or in the water rather than strapped to the bloody bed he might have turned.
And you've got ages yet anyway, so she may shift... But def try getting her turned just to ease your pain!
I don't think they do the turning thing as routine anymore- but they can try to do it apparently. The other option is a reflexologist! I went the night before I went into labour to try and kick start labour but she told me if I'd started going earlier she could have worked on turning him. You'd need one that specialises in pregnancy- mine was a reflexogist and Doula xxx
Yes Suz is right Laura- she might turn in labour- apparently most do. I was active in labour for the first 18 hours but Ben didn't turn - that was because the cord was around his neck though and he was stuck. Water can help them turn too so I doubt they'd stop you having a water birth x
Oh no lou! Good on the nap though! S had a 10 min sleep but woke up coughing he's just eaten loads of lunch so hopefully he'll have a decent nap this avo...
Sorry ladies about the boys refusing naps but glad Ben is sleeping a little now! It's dinner there already?
Laura I am sorry Hun! Wish I could turn her for u . Why does back to back hurt so much?
Starting to get anxious about my trip to Hawaii. I want to cancel the whole thing! Best to not think about it too much or I go into a freak out of all the things that are gonna be a challenge. How in the world do I think I can leave Jimmy with the inlaws for 7 days when he still hasn't even been alone with anyone but dh for more than an hour??? Yikes.
Well my b2b labour felt like my spine was snapping Casey (once my waters had broke- it was fine before that) - I think once the waters go the baby is bouncing on your back
Can you start leaving him now for longer periods to get him used to it Casey before you go? Otherwise it's going to be a big shock to him!!
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