Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Night ladies! hope the boys sleep. We just finished a small lunch snack and I took a video finally. He ate some veggie spread onto crackers and banana and apple. This has got me on the video so I know you are dying to see it!
UGh, I wouldn't know how to put up with a DH who didn't help out. I do wish mine would do more around the house without being nagged into it. Its not my fault he lets his tasks stack up but then he acts like I'm asking him to do SO much because he's got 5 chores to do in one night... nobody told him to put them off!!!
(he promised he'd scoop cat litter in the morning and empty the dishwasher at lunch and I came home to find he did neither.. so now he'll have to do those tonight and I know I won't be able to get him to do any more chores)

argh.. SIL went through 4 diapers because she thought they were defective??? She didn't realize they were velcro and said the last ones were sticky.. I had to insist that no, they weren't, and I have no idea why it wouldn't stick for her.. she resorted to tape... they also broke the latch on my first aid kit getting to the tape. I just have to grin and bear it I guess!

Also, had my ultrasound, its all clear! So the bleeding must just be hormonal.
Does it uplift my dh in yr eyes if u knew he picks up all the poop and does all the yardwork and does the deep clean dusting every once in awhile- which I never do. And he is watching Jimmy right now while I eat dinner and play on my iPod?

Lisa 4 diapers is a waste! What a weirdo.
lol, yeah, I kept telling her no, they're the same and she kept arguing with me. I KNOW what kind of diapers I buy :haha:
Hopefully she'll find cloth less confusing :rofl:

It does help to hear that! I can't get my DH to lift a finger in the yard.. I do most of the repairs around the house too.
I'm a little sad for him that he's missing out on bonding with Jimmy now. I know a woman who thought her husband would bond more with their daughter when she was older but he still seems disinterested.
:cry: I just watched waiting for superman. Makes me wantto take dd out of public school right now. Our country's schooling system is screwed up!

Lisa- ur inlaws are right airheads!

Kc- cleaning is nice of Dh.

Ps all this house crap is giving me migraines and I'm pretty sure I have an ulcer. Anyone have ulcers before? Are there meds for them? I've never got anything for them before, but need something...
there are meds.. prilosec maybe? and eating bland foods can help
Hey girls :wave:

Casey every dad is different, I'd just be worried personally that jimmy and bob won't ever bond and be close if they don't spend time together now... You know them best though and maybe it will get better when he's a bit bigger/more interactive. But dOnt feel bad if you need to force it because it's for the best in the long run.
Danny often has 'better' things to do too... I normally force him, like today he's going to the shops, I will make him take S. Partly so I can get stuff done but also cos I know they'll both enjoy it!

I feel like shit today :( can't breathe and I have a minging headache. Plus I woke to feed S and my rightboob really hurt. There's a lump in it and I'm feeling really dizzy. Bloody mastitis again probably :cry:

God I feel like all I do is complain lately :( sorry...

X x x
Suz- I'm sorry love :-( Keep feeding from that side to drain the ducts and see if you can stave it off!! As for the cold- stick the Green Baby stuff on your chest too- it made me feel better :hugs:

Casey- I agree that everybody's different and Bob may bond more once he can interact with him. I would also try and force it a bit though for Jimmy's sake- otherwise you might have a toddler who won't go to Daddy xx

Lisa- your SIL doesn't sound like the brightest spark!! :dohh: :haha:

Well Ben was up loads in the night apparently! Ste left me asleep though so I actually slept 1-6!! I feel weird after 5 hours sleep! It's the most I've had for 8 months! I feel dizzy!! :rofl:
:rofl: 5 hours!!!! Woohoo!!! Ste is so lovely. Wanna swap? :haha:

I'll put some chest rub on now thanks lou... S is really tired, we had a little nap, but he's grizzly still :( maybe he'll have another nap...

Got a HUGE delivery today that is blocking dannys door to his guitar room - well it's one way to stop him working!

Jess - where are you? I am worried about you you're not on much :(

X x x
afternoon all :wave:

Suz sorry your feeling crap hun. How did S sleep last night?
And you lou howd you get on with ben?

I have just baked cookies and she is currently sweeping my kitchen floor :rofl: He loves playing with the brush. :haha:
Hey Laura :wave: S slept ok, woke at 2.30 then 6am. I don't really mind as he usually feeds and straight back to sleep... It's when he won't settle in the evening that I get really stressed! But he's usually really good, he's just not well and waking himself up coughing :(

X x x
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on much. Work has been really busy so haven't been able to get on and evenings are spent sorting things out for the next day and getting the concert organised.... and on my days off Lili is full time! Also been trying not to spend too much time on the computer so that I can legitimately complain when Joe does! :haha:

How is everyone. I've read a bit of what has been going on, but not all.

Laura, I hope Choee turns for you. There are 3 "walks" that I learnt as part of the Gentle Birth Method that are designed to get the baby in the right position for birth. Let me know if you want me to explain them... they're very silly! :)

Are the boys over their colds? :hugs:

Lisa, How are the pepsi addicts? :hugs:
aw Suz, hope its just a plugged duct and you can hold off the mastitis!

Yah Lou for sleep!!!! Your poor body doesn't know what to do with itself, lol!

Hope those with colds feel better soon!

Hi Jess & Laura! :)

I just hate the lack of common sense SIL and MIL show about stuff (like the diapers). Plus, there are 2 of them there, so if SIL is having a brain fart about the diapers, MIL should be able to show her that they DO work etc.
SIL DID clean up the house a bit which was really nice of her. Only I can't find anything now.
I can't wait until Daniel is back in daycare. We find out today after her doctors appointment if she can watch him or not next week.
I do hate the extra drive after work to pick him up, but these daily frustrations with the inlaws are more irritating.

Forgot to tell you girls how awkward the ultrasound was. I've had more of these than I can count. I am not afraid of that stupid transvaginal wand. But this place made it much more awkward. They had the male doctor/tech leave the room, sent in a woman. She handed me the wand, had me insert it and hold it there, then she covered me and went to get the guy. Seriously? It was uncomfortable to lie there hunched over holding it in place, they MADE it seem like something sexual almost by going so far out of the way. Unless there is history of sexual abuse and someone needs extra care, just get on with the damned thing! (I've had to insert it myself before, the first time I had one done, but they didn't leave the damn room!). The dim lighting suddenly seemed weird to me, lol.
that sounds like a reasonsable night suz.

Hey jess, nice to hear off you. PLease explain the walks. Could you PM them to me.

Hey Lisa, thats ridiculous. i think it makes things more awkward when your treated like that than the male actually doing the whole thing. :shrug:
He started to explain what a transvaginal ultrasound was when I interrupted him and told him I've had PLENTY. He commented that most women they see had no clue that they might have something inserted in them and it can be kind of shocking.
Hi guys! Was up all night last night as Jimmy had a bee in his bonnet and started crying at midnight and then I tried to settle him and he wouldn't take a bottle and he wasn't really bad in the diaper area and nothing was wrong! I had to go show him all the crap in the laundry room cuz he likes to look at the stuff in there as he was wide awake. I tried putting him back to bed and he cried for 10 minutes and then slept but woke up 40 mins later crying, then fell back asleep for a half hour, then up again crying, and there is nothing wrong!! So it was like that most of the night till maybe 3 am then all quiet. so me and DH are tired but now the sun is up and we are on with our day like nothing happened last night. Lou and Suz I don't know how you do that everynight. Where you ALMOST fall back asleep thinking he is out, then up again! Sheesh. I can't complain until this goes on for months right?

Jess that sounds like you have so much going on! not a moment to spare! Are you sleeping?

Lisa so glad the U/S was all clear, I forgot to mention it before. How awkward too! haha! weird! At least the In laws don't call you every two seconds with questions so you can get on with your day and not have to wonder and think about how dumb they are!

Mmmm laura gimme some of those cookies! What kind?

Lou 5 hours of sleep is great! I am so glad for you! Ste is so nice.

Suz sorry Sammuel is sick, I Think that is making everything a bit worse and how you are feeling. I hope he gets good soon and that will uplift the overall mood!
sorry about the rough night Casey! Must be teething/growth spurt?
Haha the age old all-covering teething/growth spurt theory. I doubt it - I don't know, he probably just caught wind about me going to hawaii and is mad! I admit I have insomnia too lately, too much racing through my mind about the upcoming trip and everything. ALso he is going through some changes right now, learning to crawl and getting smarter and it might be a bit much for him! Or maybe he had a nightmare about the vaccum cleaner because I had to vaccum yesterday and he wailed the whole time cuz he hates it!
I made daniel cry when I accidentally sucked up a blanket when I was vaccuming last week... I have a dyson and instead of burning through the belt when you get something stuck, it makes this HORRIBLE noise. Poor guy, lol!

I've heard some kids practice crawling in their sleep so maybe he's doing that and its waking him up?

Daniel let out one loud cry last night, we waited and he just went back to sleep.

And for the record, I was being sarcstic with my teething/growth spurt answer ;)
Imagine how big Ben would be if his sleep issues were caused by growth spurts :rofl:

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