Ugh Chell House hunting is a hassle, it sucks when you keep finding cool places and then it doesn't work out. It takes so much effort and time to research the best place and then someone else snatches it or it doesn't happen for some reason and then you gotta start over! I don't blame you for throwing in the towel but don't give in totally if it isn't a place you are gonna like!
My concerns for you would be make sure its BIG for your blossoming family, and not really expensive so you can afford your blossoming family! Being house poor would suck.
that would be so fun if she was in the nutcracker!! So cute too. Would she get paid??
Last night I Went to dinner for a friends birthday and was only gone 3 hours but it was nice to leave DH with jimmy - although he was asleep for part of the time, still nice to leave him and come back and know that he did the routine okay and they didn't seem too much in a shambles. He was ready to hand him over big time though. And jimmy was acting a bit crazed and when he saw me he was deliriously relieved he laughed and cried all in the same breath! haha.
Suz I hope you don't beat me at that words game. you are getting good!
JEss those vids are cute! Lilli making out with herself! mirrors are fun. So when she is on the wood floor on the blanket she doesn't ever get tired and fall over and bonk her head? Jimmy still gets bored or tired of trying to sit and TIMBER falls over like a tree. He has to be sitting on soft ground still.
Lou poor old rudi. man you have such a needy little dog with the pooping and a needy baby! exhausting. pets and babies is a lot to handle, I didn't realize how taxing it would be to have both. I Thought the dog would sort of just fade to the background and mellow out and enjoy the baby show but nope.