goodness knows I've moaned on here a lot, you're entitled to your turn, same as the rest of us Jess!
I would find it harder to work + watch over Daniel if he wasn't such an easy baby. ANY time he is fussy for me after work it completely drains me! And getting him ready for daycare at night/in the morning/prepping bottles is kind of a pain too vs. staying home.
I just know I need the mental break from baby watching at work. I think there are plus and minuses to both.
I think we can all agree that watching over Ben with the lack of sleep is harder than any other combination
Casey - I know you're still nervous about leaving Jimmy. Is there any chance you could bring him along? Just an option I hadn't thought of.. not sure if you really want to.. you could do what I did with Vegas and bring along an inlaw to watch him for you, but you'd still get to check in on him and wouldn't be totally deprived etc. (not sure if thats an option financially)
AFM - well I think I have to start pumping at night again. Granted, Daniel woke up at midnight last night to feed, but I've noticed my daytime pumping is producing less and less. I only pumped 9 ounces at work today. I'm somehow supposed to come up with another 6 for daycare and 4-6 for DH to use in the morning. (IF Daniel doesn't wake up for a feed then I might pump 12 ounces in the morning)
I kind of think daycare is over-feeding him though... not that you really can do that, just that I'm not sure he needs 4 -5oz bottles to get him through the day there
We haven't tried thawed milk yet! oh why oh why haven't we tried that already

UGh, not sure what to do about tomorrow!!