So the doctor says we can get it clipped.. but its a more invovled procedure. They have to swaddle/strap him down and inject numbing stuff. There is a higher risk of bleeding and they could have to put a stitch in.
I'm really torn about it. Every time I put him on the breast I want to do it, but then when I'm not in pain, I start second guessing it and don't know about putting him through that.
The doc said it will probably help. Though he said it isn't bad enough to interfere in most cases, but since I have pretty flat nipples it could be a factor in my pain problems.
It won't cause speech problems like the tongue tie can, the only potential to him is to have a gap between his teeth.
It feels selfish to put him through that for my comfort but then if it keeps us breastfeeding longer, then that is for his benefit too. UGH.. I'll probably do it, but I'm afraid it won't help and I'll have done that for nothing.