Lisa I bet they were all just tight and if one mom couldn't do it, another would pick up the slack, ya know? That and later on people had wet nurses. Gosh I hope sweet Daniel feels better soon! Yeeeeeouch!
Connor was so lively this evening. After the "routine" I put him in his crib wide awake and he talked himself to sleep while I read to maddie. Oh it was the cutest thing ever!
So my sisters (in law) are driving me nuts! We planned a girls night but they are all so headstrong, stubborn and silly that it will be a miracle if we all get together! One sister resorted to throwing a temper tantrum and said she was just going to stay home and do everything how she wants if she can't get her way with all of us. The other said if the kids were going to be there, then she wouldn't do anything at all. Some sort of ultimatum. Are you kidding me?! How old are we all?!
Suz- congrats on the first sale!!!
Jess- welcome back! Missed you! Are there new admins now or same, just a new site?
Lou I hope ben is feeling better today. Sick is no fun.
Verna- love ya sweetheart! Sounds promising, the aches and pains! How's your sweet baby and that awesome cast?! Are you letting her milk it?