Laura, yay for shae turning one! I would have put money on Chloe showing up on his bday!! Re your siggy, try getting rid of the link to your journal, instead, highlight 'my journal' click on the little world and chain link icon, and paste the journal address in there. That way, people just click 'my journal' to go to it. That way you should free up lines for photos!
Lisa, will reply later re the nappies, but you need a dedicated night nappy, I'll post what I use when im on computer later.
Jess, glad you had fun!
Lou sorry you got no sleep, I'd be tearing my hair out
S didnt sleep brilliantly and has 2 teeth STILL coming through!
He has started handing stuff back to us, it's really cute. I kept rolling him a ball today and he'd hand it back for me to do it again!
Had a horrible day today, ILs came to take S off for a couple of hours as usual, just as we got everything in the car mil shut the boot on fils little finger. It didn't chop it off but almost
we got him inside and sat him down and I rushed and got the seat out of his car and into mine and sammuel in. Then got him in and started driving when mil said the bloody cat was in the car!!!  reversed back and chucked her out, then drove down the road and fil was totally out of it, then fainted! So we pulled over and called an ambulance. They came and took him to hospital. Danny had to go about 5 hours ago to pick him up and drop him at another hospital to see a plastic surgeon to see if they can save it. I think they are on way back now so Danny will be home soon.
I feel sick and keep replaying it in my head, and thinking what if it was sammuels hand
Shit day.
X x x