I know I probably will change a lot of things... it's just the unsafe aspect of things that worries me!! And prob a reason why I would not let my sister in law look after my child alone!
i know co-sleeping can be done safely, but he is nearly too and moves a lot, when he was a year old he kept falling, she thought he had broken an arm and still would not put a barrier. She is separated from the dad so there is no-one to stop him rolling off on the other side of the bed
I can't really explain it all in detail but really the things she does with him (his diet and the terrible diahorrea he gets as a results), is very close to child abuse! He got a very nasty fungal infection because of all the diahorrea and not changing him often enough...
She also let him burn completely in the sun without suncream and he got a sun allergy all over his body and his skin was like cardboard for weeks
Just very sad... but i won't say anything, it's her decision how she raises him but i know she will be making fun of us when we are a lot more worried and careful....
My MIL makes fun of me and DH for being uptight... but I don't care, he's my baby, lol!
Oooh, white cheddar popcorn sounds YUMMY Casey I only had one major major craving and that was for pie. But I had to eat every 1-2 hours to avoid being sick, lol. That really sucked!
Euronova - discuss expectations with your OH before the baby comes... about how much you both want family to be around. Then once you are both on the same page... PREPARE the inlaws for it. My husband kept saying he was telling them how we'd want to be left mostly alone for a couple weeks, how we didn't want anyone at the hospital until he was born. But apparently their idea of 'mostly alone' was totally different than ours... my MIL was horrible about coming early and staying late and told DH it was 'rude' to ask someone to leave (I had to try to feed and pump and didn't want her watching me and didn't want to go hide in the back room). They came to the hospital anyway, they expected ANY favors they did us regarding bringing food etc to earn them time with the baby.
And those first 2-3 weeks you are a hormonal WRECK... I think over half my tears during that period were over stress from demands from my inlaws.
That is a very good point Lisa, we do talk about it with Oliver... he definitely agrees but he struggles to manage them as it is now!
His mum used to call up to ten times a day... he had to tell her that maybe she could try to concentrate the information into one phone call a day....she got so upset she didn't call for 2 weeks and as we did not react, she started crying to his sisters that she was not allowed to call her son and they called us!!
They are incredible, they can't let go of him and we really struggled not to have them involved in every part of our life... and this week again his mum managed to arrange to see him 3 times and called him on his mobile several times a day (she just won't call the landline unless he does not respond...) I can see how I will end up in a similar situation as you!!
Ugh... my sympathies then! It sucks because my inlaws actually like me and mean well, they just are in my business way more than I want them to be.
Do yours at least like you? Or are you 'not good enough' for their son/brother?
Ugh... my sympathies then! It sucks because my inlaws actually like me and mean well, they just are in my business way more than I want them to be.
Do yours at least like you? Or are you 'not good enough' for their son/brother?
That's a good question! I think they like me and they definitely mean well (apart from the Sister in law with the kid as we have really fallen out with her and i am sure she blames the fact that her brother is standing up to her on me!)
Oliver lost his dad nearly ten years ago and he is the man of the family... and "the golden boy" of his mum... i doubt anyone would be good enough for him in their eyes so I am sure a lot of bitchy things are said but i think they can also see that he is happy with me...
His mum will very openly critise his other sister's boyfriend in front of me, so I am sure she critises me too.... but i think that is just the way she is, but she always tries to help us... even if it can be in a very invasive way.... she is a massive drama queen to top it all so she laps the attention she gets from her son!
Sounds like its an ok relationship then.. not actively hostile (a poor friend of mine had inlaws who clearly did not like her, made totally inappropriate comments at her bridal shower/baby shower etc... it was nuts).
I know lou, you're the lucky exception to the rule!!
Sammuel just woke up, really upset
I calmed him down and laid with him and he started pulling my dressing gown over his face then whipping it off, like he was hiding! So cute... He was giggling away... Then, he clambered over me and onto my chest and flopped down with both arms around me - I think he was giving me a cuddle!! I cried a little bit
Aww suz that is so cute. When Jimmy actually gives me a real hug and kiss on his own I might get a bit mooshy too!
Lou won the inlaw and OH lottery but not the baby sleep lottery. Also she wins lots of dorky contests! But some are actually great prizes so I guess not that dorky!
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