Hi Suz, sorry your feeling queasy now that you know. I have generally not been eating much for about a week but not feeling so sick in the last couple of days.
Lost about 2-3 pounds so far but that will give me a bit more margin for afterwards!
For Daniel, is he bothered by anything ( the red mark, the hairy patch) if not I would not worry too much. I have a dimple at the bottom of my spine, right we're the crack start ( sorry TMi) - not hairy though. And it turned out on some x-rays taken recently that one of my vertebra did not fully close. (spina bifida) but I have no issue what so ever with it and it never bothered me.
I'm glad Ben slept a bit. Has he got to have a physio "clapp" him? To get the infection out of his lungs? That's what they do in France to help clear it. It's horrible to watch but it really helps x