Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Can you rent an apartment for awhile until you can figure something else out? Are there apartments nice around there that have ok rent price? The thing is, The resale on this house won't be too good right? So the "equity" really isn't great if u can't sell it, right?
the equity on the older trailer probably wouldn't be great - one reason why I wonder if putting in a new trailer though it would mean a bigger mortgage would make more sense. The purchase price includes the land though and that does have value that would increase with time.

Apartments that are about half the size we are in right now, that only allow a cat or so cost more than we pay right now in rent and would be more than our mortgage payment on that trailer.

Honestly we could afford the trailer as-is... its the remodeling or replacement of the trailer that we really can't afford :(
I hate being poor! (stupid though, since in most other areas we wouldn't be poor and could afford a really nice house :( :sulk:)
Yeah I wish u lived here so you could buy a house you like. Boo. sorry Lisa.
the trailer is much bigger than i imagined and the surroundings look nice. I am not sure i would cope with the wood on the walls everywhere though!

how is everyone feeling today? i hope you are all feeling a bit better.

Not working at the vet today but need to do our company year end accounts... so will be crushing numbers all day... not in the mood!!!
felt so sick yesterday, that will teach me to complain about symptoms vanishing for a bit.... my head is so heavy today... i just know that accounts are the last thing that could help but i am really determined to try and take as little medication as possible, even paracetamol.
anyone has suggestions for lunch? i want something yummy and fresh, packed with vitamins... thinking of an avocado for starter with balsamic vinegar and maybe a stir fry...
Hey girls :wave:

Jess how are you today?

Lou how's the puke/poo household? ������

Lisa it looks livable, could you live with it as it is for a while?

V sorry too late for lunch suggestion! I feel awful too...

Chell sorry bout the car :(

I can't have an early scan, they'll just book me in for 4-5 weeks :( we can't afford a private one so that's that!

X x x
Lisa- what's behind the panelling? Carpet and paint can make an outdated place look much nicer... And adding things like a tiled backsplash in the kitchen or taking down architectural elements like the spindles or changing the front door can really spruce up the place. It looked like it was in good condition... And the layout looked nice. How r u feeling about it today?
The exactly chell, small cheap changes can make 100% difference! I'd make that panelling work, but in a quirky way... Although I realise most people would think its hideous :haha:

X x x
i agree that just a bit of cosmetic work can make such a massive difference.
I like the surrounding very pretty :)

Same about the scan Suz, but i guess i will have to live with it (LOL)... no more seriously, I hope you are not too bothered... bloody NHS!

My sickness doesn't seem to be related to what i eat anymore so i have decided to eat a bit better.
OH was so lovely at lunch and got me just what i ordered, so i felt great for having the avocado salad and the veg stir fry :) then had and orange and crumpet for a snack. Tonight we have a christmas dinner so will try and get some protein into me!

how is everyone? i hope the sickness is easing off on all front!
Glad you're enjoying your food V.

I'm still torn. I'm not as stressed about it as I was yesterday. I have some really big questions and am doing some research. I think if I had nowhere else to go/if I was being kicked out of my current place soon I'd go for it and just live with the paneling. But since I still have a couple years here, I don't think I can choose the panelling as-is. I'd have to budget in the cost of re-doing the panelling and the cabinets to make it livable for me. I honestly think it would just depress me to no end to live in it as it is right now. I have to see if its affordable to do anything about it.

I also have some questions about the resale value of the home in 10 years or so. And some research I've done on mobile home parks gives me more questions to ask about their policies (if I move out/sell and the house is past a certain age, they may require it be removed at my expense... have to see what the policies at this park are).

I do worry about the strain on our finances to move in without my debt under better control. If I knew that we'd have another opportunity in this price range with this lot size/garden at this park in 2 years, I would totally wait. I do just worry that I won't get a chance like this or will have to settle for one with no yard, smaller inside etc.
A couple years ago we looked at one that was $294 and was smaller and only had 1 bathroom.
Lisa If u have 2 yrs where u are at then prob wait. Is there anything u can do to ease your debt? Have you seen a debt counselor?
I just made and ate a HUGE veggie lasagne - loads of veg in it - yummy! Feel a bit :sick: still but slightly better.

Lisa I understand you don't want to be kicking yourself 2 years down the line. Have YOU actually seen it or just DH?

V have you got your accounts done?

X x x
I haven't seen it yet. We have an appointment tomorrow to go look at it.
I'm leaning 80% towards not doing it, but I don't want to write it off without looking into it more.

So frustrating :(
Lisa seriously never ever stress about a house you haven't seen! There might be something you hate or you may just not get a good feeling about it and then it's problem solved!!

X x x
Lisa seriously never ever stress about a house you haven't seen! There might be something you hate or you may just not get a good feeling about it and then it's problem solved!!

X x x

Lol... its just stressful because it reminds me of our deadline to get out of this house and how screwed we will be.
I know there are things about this place that I won't like.

If nothing else this is a wake-up call to get our shit together for that!

From doing some research with a friend of mine, I really don't think its within our reach financially even if we do zero remodels. We don't have much of a down payment and that means another $200 a month for PMI, so that, plus the association fee of $165...

Well actually, if we offered $215 on it.. and put 5% down, we'd need to come up with $14k for closing fees and down payment. Then our mortgage payment would be about $1133 a month... we currently pay $1200 a month in rent.
Our mortgage plus association plus PMI would be $1498 which is doable... and less than we'd be paying in rent elsewhere when we get kicked out.

But that would definitely mean no renovations on the place..

I'm only really stressing because its not like there are options that we can afford left and right around here...
Didn't get the accounts done... Slept nearly all day!!
But had the bestest evening :) we had our christmas party with the business (we have a personal training company) so I sat all evening with 3 gorgeous super fit trainer including OH... I think I made a few women well Jel in the restaurant :)
Still grinning was like being in a dream!
Hid my bloat with shaping tights and wore a very fitted low cut dress so I looked super fit with huge boobs lol... I think that was the farewell to my body :) had a great evening though!
:rofl: sounds fun V!!!!

Lisa take a look At it and re-evaluate. You've got time to make a plan!

X x x
Lisa-I've looked at a TON of houses lately, and pictures cannot do any justice for a place. Might look awful, but is charming once you are inside, or you might think it looks ok, and it's just REALLY good photos. haha. I went in a house a few weeks ago that looked horrible online, but even the paneling looked really nice once you were inside. :) Good luck. Let us know what you think...And try not to make up your mind before you go in! ;)
Aww, nice you had a farewell party for it V!! :)

Yeah, we're taking my FIL along with us tomorrow since he has some experience with real estate (though not sure if he knows a thing about manufactured homes). I really wish the costs to transport a new trailer were not so much... :(
Lisa do you currently have closets with mirrored sliding doors? Thats what stood out to me as something that I would want different. But I don't mean any offense if you currently have that, just not my cup of tea. I wish you could get assistance on your mortgage somehow with new legislature if you fell into a low income bracket, is there anything like that out there? have you seen a debt counselor - I already asked that sorry to pester.

Suz what would you do with the wood paneling to make it pleasing? you mentioned you would do something ? Curious.

V what kind of company is it? Do you own a gym? Or what?

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