No I did Marg- we were just experimenting to see if it meant guests who aren't logged in couldn't read it. It didn't work though! I'll open it again xx
Yes. There's been occasions over rge last month or so that we've had about 15 guests viewing at once and we've no idea why!!? Plus Jess found out Joe had been reading us too!
awww no problem
Name:- Vero (Euronova)
TTC:- 1 year
Issue:- Irregular/ Anovulatory cycles
Tx:- 1st round of Clomid (50mg)
EDD:- 24th Jun 2012
Predicted a Boy!
lol, my DH really has no interest.. it just kind of scared me that he could find me so easy and what if he read ALL the stuff I write about his family?
it is a bit scary actually.... could really land us in some trouble, I am sure we could ask the admin to do something? there are loads of private bits on the forum for people that had losses etc...
There is a private area for members with a certain amount of posts only... Lou would have to ask if we could move there... Not sure they would! I would prefer it though!
I know they won't! I've seen people beg before! I wonder if they'd let me change the title to a journal though and move us to the journal sectilon? You can only see that when logged in? I wouldn't want to just set up a new thread as I don't want us to lose everything in here
Hey guys what's the harm in everything we say anyway? It's the truth abdif people can't take it well too bad. Haha. No I understand why u want it private. Hurt feelings and people thinking we are complaining wenches. Also if one of us got famous then it could all be published!
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