Coca cola addiction!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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so...seems pretty uncommon, but i figured it couldnt hurt to ask here :)

im planning on cutting Soda out, not only to avoid all the sugar/caffeine etc that is really bad when pregnant, but also to cut down on my weight before i get pregnant!

but i have a genuine coca cola addiction..not even exaggerating. i can go about 24 hours without it before i start getting tired/irritable/shaking. and need to rush out to buy an emergency can. i have tried cutting it out completely and i have tried cutting down slowly...i cant seem to manage either.
DH thinks i should see my GP, since it could be classed as a caffeine addiction and they may have stuff to help with that? but i feel dumb lol doing that! I feel like I'd be wasting my Drs time...

so A- opinions on seeing my GP?
and B- any ideas on how i can stop! (I have tried switching to tea, since it still has caffeine, just less...but that hasnt helped either lol)

help me!
You don't need to stop if you don't want to. I'm still drinking it. You're allowed 200mg a day - a can of coke has about 32mg of caffeine (there is more in tea, coffee, diet coke and even chocolate) :thumbup:
I wouldn't say you have to completely cut it out of your diet, if only keep it to a can a day you should be fine. As long as you make sure your drinking a lot of water with that one can a day it should be fine. My advice to you would be to start off drinking water and once you had your daily recommended amount, reward yourself at the end of the day with a coke. Eventually, you wont even want it anymore, you'll start to find water tastes better and is more refreshing because pop usually makes your mouth dry and more thirsty, if you drink a bunch of water, youll lose all of your water weight and shed a few pounds in the making, I used to always have to drink a large dr pepper from McDonald's everyday and I eventually had the determination to kick it out of my diet completely, and it feels great, you feel so much better by drinking water, maybe every once in a while some green tea. Just think about the baby you want to produce and think about how much healthier they would be if you were drinking water the entire time. You'll kick the habit eventually all you need is time and determination:)
Coming from an X coke drinker---I know how addicting it is!!!! I loved coke soooo much. I was hooked since I was a kid and it was hard to give it up as an adult. I think of it today as a "treat" when I mix it in with red wine which is really RARE.

Just cut it out of your diet. I'm sure you know that it is horrible for really is. I guess if you think of it as a poison instead of a drink, it may help you......just look up online how bad soda is----that information enough made me quit cold turkey. Like I said, I have not given it up for good...I might have some when at a special occasion BUT my everyday urge drink can after can is GONE.
Do you baby and you a favor and just quit. I know you asked how...there is no how, just set your mind to it and do it.

good luck yo you
from an X addict lol
It really is poison. It has nothing that your body needs to function, it even holds a lot of substances that are harmful for you.

I was a diet coke drinker which has less calories but is every bit as unhealthy. I started by diluting my coke by adding a shot glass of water for some time, then I added a bit more water. After that I just quit (as it becomes really nasty if you dilute it even further).

What also helped me was to find my thirst again (for my this happened over a year after I stopped drinking coke though). I never drank a lot of water and figured I still drank enough, because I was never thirsty. However, I learned that if your body sends thirst-signals and isn't heard (because you always drink soda's which don't actually hydrate you effectively), it just stops sending you thirst-signals. So for about a week or two, when I was at work, I would get up every hour and drink a glass of water. At first, it took some effort to drink the water, but I soon noticed that my thirst came back. Now, when I wake up in the morning, I'm thirsty and the first thing I do is drink a large glass of water. I would really advise you to try this. Give it a week or two and I assure you you will feel thirst again and you'll notice that a soda can't take that thirst away.
You should go watch some of the videos on youtube regarding the effects of pop. It is okay to drink it but you really need to find a way to cut down on it. All of the above posters have given some really great tips. Also, use this forum as support :) We are all here for each other!
Give you case of pop to your DH and have him only give you one a day. He is your support system as well, he needs to help you with this :)
I know how you feel about coke. A few years ago I was living on roughly a litre a day.. I was working p time and at college and had a busy social life. When I would work all day sat I would buy 2 500ml bottles one for breakfast and 1 for my shift till lunch an do the same at lunch. I was also a smoker too. One year I quit and I didn't realise how serious it was. It was awful coming down. I slept loads. Which I guess back then was easier for me to do then today. I like fizzy drinks any so I swapped for lemonade to give me more of a fix. I also tried my best to up my water intake. Past year it's starting to re catch me up. It's a little like quitting smoking. (Which I have also done!) once u stop don't look back as it can catch up on you so easily! Gl xx
wow thanks for all the help! I really do desperately want to stop lol. I'm drinking about a litre of it a day, and very rarely anything else at all. I used to drink loads of water, but I've just lost my taste for it! and my thirst lol
I used to be ok with it, but then I had immigration issues, severe depression and a newborn baby and it just spiralled from made me feel good and it gave me the energy I just...didnt have anymore.

I know how terrible it is for me, which is why I want to stop drinking it! its also stupidly expensive lol which gives me another reason to cut it out!

I will definitely try well...everything lol. forcing myself to drink water every hour or 2 and having 1 coke a day, diluted! and hopefully it'll get better.

thanks again! I really didnt expect so many replies! you're all awesome.

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