Trying to work out what is best re giving up expressing breast milk after 10 days. I have read lots of differing advice saying you should take it slowly and keep expressing a little bit to avoid mastitis and then I have also heard you should just stop all together otherwise your body won't know to stop making milk if you keep expressing.
I am thinking of going cold turkey and am happy to take the pain for a few days I just really don't want to get mastitis.
How has everyone else dealt with this?
Trying to work out what is best re giving up expressing breast milk after 10 days. I have read lots of differing advice saying you should take it slowly and keep expressing a little bit to avoid mastitis and then I have also heard you should just stop all together otherwise your body won't know to stop making milk if you keep expressing.
I am thinking of going cold turkey and am happy to take the pain for a few days I just really don't want to get mastitis.
How has everyone else dealt with this?