colic/ formula change?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Hi Ladies, for those whos babies may have colic can i ask what milk they are on? Maisie is 10 days old and really really unsettled, shes on SMA Gold, and yesterday the HV confirmed what i thought she has colic and it starts about 11pm and goes on allll night we are totally exhausted and so is she. sleeps all day not a problem, comes to night time, she fusses kicks, grunts strains so badly she cant sleep, shes not constipated, plenty of wet and dirty nappies, she draws her legs up kicks balls her fists all like shes really trying to pass wind but just cant :( we hate seeing her like this, the HV said try infacol, which we have as of yesterday afternoon, but how long for an improvement? also the tipping the head end up of her basket, we do that, but she cant sleep flat at all last night was so bad we had to keep her in her rocker chair and stay up with her during the night,
My DH is also worrying so much he's stressing an already very tearful mummy out by saying whats wrong why is she doing that, thats not normal, :( I dont know !!!!!!

anyone any advice should i change her milk? the HV said NO, end of stay with SMA as its the "best" now, i know thats not true at all, and i hate to see my baby in pain, MY DH said to just change it anyway oh im so confused :(

very tired nic x
Congrats :) Infacol takes around 2 wks to start working. What bottles r u using? Dr. Browns r the best for colic. xx
thanks :) its the avent ones, teat size 1, Ive read it can go on till 12 weeks.. i think we'll get divorced before then :(
thanks :) its the avent ones, teat size 1, Ive read it can go on till 12 weeks.. i think we'll get divorced before then :(

Oh Hun :hugs: My LO was out of colic when he was 4-5 wks old. He's still windy but that's all. Give infacol time to work & get some Dr. Brown's bottle. I think comfort formula helps with colic but I'm not expert as my LO is suffering frm reflux & I'm using AR one xx

It gets better, those weeks r the toughest. :hugs:
Aptamil do an anti colic (and anti constipation) formula, it's called Aptamil Comfort. Not sure how readily available it is in your area but it might be worth a look if your LO's colic is that bad. It's a little pricier than the usual stuff but I've been told it's great :) If your HV has said not to change milks tho, it might be worth trying some other stuff first and changing as a last resort :shrug:

Evie had pretty mild colic up until she was a good few weeks old. Cycling your LO's legs might help and I've heard that baby massage is pretty good, that could be worth researching on techniques etc.
We didnt get on well with Infacol, but Dentinox Colic Drops were pretty good. Gripe water is another thing you could try. Check on the boxes for the ages they can be used from tho! As nmwb78 said, it can take a little while for the colic drops to work too, so you may have to be patient. If those drops dont work, give Colief a try. They're expensive (about a tenner I think but you can get these on prescription if you find they work) but my best friend swears by these as her LO had colic pretty bad and it really helped.
Dr Brown's bottles are supposed to be excellent for colic as are Mam Ultivent.

And if none of the above helps, then tell your HV that you've tried EVERYTHING and give the Aptamil Comfort a try :)
Hope things get better for ya hun, and you need to tell your OH that it is normal. Colic is very common and hard to work thru, but hopefully, you'll find something that works for your LO :hugs:
Hi hun, i know what you are going though :( i've changed formula from sma gold to aptamil comfort and after 2 weeks i've changed again as my LO has been very sick, i think the cause was formula cos after a few feeds with aptamil normal he just completely stop vomit...
we used dentinox drops, but didn't work well for him, changed to infacol, i have gripe water as well, just waiting as can be used from 1 month, but infacol seems work good.
And, i changed avent bottles to dr browns - worth it!
take care and remember it will go away soon xx
hiya hun, my little was exactly the same around this time, our HV told us to go on aptamil comfort, as she was on SMA gold at first and very unsettled, we put her on this and she was a totally different baby, swe also used colief drops in the milk, these are fantastic, they are quite expensive though at £11 a bottle but they are brilliant and work a treat! xx
we have that problem. We saw a differnence in kacey when we used infacol straight away but only in bringing up wind quicker, it didnt do much for colic.. We tried gripe water when she hit 4 weeks but as its water it poured back out. We changed from aptamal to aptamal comfort, its only about 50p more expencive and i would spend way more than that for my kacey to be in less pain. I also changed to dr brown bottles and we are now on dentinox (similar to infacol except you can add it to bottles). Its a little soon to say for sure but this combo seems to of worked for us. You will never completly get rid of colic intill your baby gets older but im just looking for a way to ease it. My lo also suffers quite late at night and can go all night but she slept over 4 hours in a row and seems miore seattled. But this could be a one off. I have heard a lot of people say bad things on sma so its worth a change. I didnt even ask HV its your baby and you no best. If you choice a comfort formula then keep in mind you may need a bigger teat as the fomula is a lot thicker. The last thing you can try is colief which you can get in boots but is around £11 and lasts a week. So maybe try infacol, dentanox and gripe water 1st. Obviosuly give each one a chance to work before you try the next one , as you may find a different one works to everyone else
Infacol takes a little while to work... but when it does you will see a massive difference.
My LO started to get colic from about a week old. and it was hell! It is soo horrid to hear them crying like that. We got some TT anti colic bottles and with the infacol it seems to be working. We still get some trapped wind but not half as much.
Also have alook on the internet for some ways to relive colic. there is massages, different winding postions you can try and some other bits as well.

And as for the formula we started on apitmal and we think thats what caused it, we changed to cow and gate and he is so much more settled now. I have heard that SMA doesnt agree with alot of babies. I know when my mum had me and my brother as babies we couldnt have it, but my younger brother could. Maybe buy some of the ready made cartons (they are about 50p each) and see which one if any make a difference with your LO xx
SMA gold did nothing good for Archie. He was so colicy and windy on it all the time. I put him on aptamil, changed bottles to Dr browns and tried endless colic treatments. The only one that worked for me as colief and it took about a week to kick in. It is about a tenner a bottle but you can get them off ebay cheaper, colief is a GODSEND!!! Also, when Archie was old enough to hold his head up he started rolling over to sleep on his belly he just hates being on his back x
Hey, my Lo is colicy on an evening too, fab through the day and really bad on a night. We use gripe water but you can't use it till four weeks. I have also found laying her on her stomach on the changing mat seems to help, she wriggles around and brings her own wind up. I didnt like doing it at first especially when she screaming but it has worked for us. And as Mynz said cycling your Lo's legs.
We have the advent bottles started on cow and gate and switched to aptivil mid way through wk 2. Infacol till today was not helping after 2 days and 2 bad nights bougt colief drops and after 2 bottles noticed a massive improvement and happier baby!!
well shes had about 5 bottles of comfort, and used infacol, ive noticed a fair few bottom burps!!! but still a bad night with a grunty straining windy baby!, its very early days tho, this Colief, im tempted but DH is of the train of thought that we need to give the milk a chance, but i think i'll go to boots today and pick it up thank you so much for your replies im glad i can ask here as the HV doesnt seem to listen to me and the midwife i had would just giggle and say ah well babies are funny wee things! erm very helpful :(
Yes stick with the milk still then add the colief, i cant say how brilliant it was for me, after a week it was like a changed baby! You can get it on prescription to! :) x
Hi, my LO has bad trapped wind too. I have switched milk from Aptamil to Cow & Gate (not comfort) to see if it made a difference and also switches from Tommee Tippee bottles to Avent and Born Free but not seen much difference. Not sure if I should switch to Dr Browns :(

I have also been using Infacol (on 3rd bottle!) which helps her burp a bit better but even after she has burped she is STILL in pain. Doubled up and red faced with lots of grunts. Going to try Gripe Water now as shes only a few days off 4wks and just can't stand waiting and seeing her in pain. If that doesn't work I think I will ask at the baby clinic about colief.

I really, REALLY hope that she doesn't have to be in pain until 12 wks!!!
try upping the teat size, she'll take in less wind x
Hi hun - we had the exact same problem with Keeley when she was that age and it nearly drove us crazy. Both the LO's hated SMA and we switched to Cow and Gate. They were a little bit constipated for a couple of days (which our HV said would probably happen) but once they got used to the formula change they have been great ever since. My HV was all for changing their formula if it wasn't agreeing with them and they really havn't looked back since. I'm not trying to contradict what your HV is saying as she is obviously the professional but this really worked for us. I was chatting to a lady the other week who does baby massage and she was telling me about a good diaphragm massage that can be done to relieve colic and constipation (keeley was really constipated at the time after having recently gone onto solids) and this also worked. This is something that you would probably need to get proper advice on though because I know how to do it but it's hard to explain and needs to be done properly. Good luck though hun xx
I am going to try the 2 hole 1mth+ teat tonight as OH bought them by accident last week. Fingers crossed!
my lo had colic, she was on sma gold to start with and i had a lot of problems with her being sick and things along with the colic so changed onto aptimal as its most like breast milk and she likes it so much better- a lot lighter.
i was originally using the tt anti colic bottles which were a disgrace, didnt work, i actually returned them, they made her worse- now on dr browns bottles and would never look back.
i did have sophie on infacol too, but with these bottles i took her off it eventually cause it was no longer a problem.
hope this helps :thumbup:

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