Colic or silent reflux?


Mummy to a Little Prince
Aug 8, 2011
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My LO has colic, well I think it's colic, starts at 6.30pm each night and he is in so much pain passing wind after his feeds gets himself so upset he is turning purple just nothing seems to calm him. We treks infacol from.ast week which seems to help but not helping now.

He is ff and takes SMA was thinking of changing to another brand which has a comfort milk as SMA don't seem to do one, what do you think?

While googling I've came across silent reflux and he seems to have a lot of the symptoms, colic, hiccups, sneezing a lot and unable to settle. Was wondering anyone any experience of this? Thanks

Have no experience with colic or silent reflux, but SMA have recently bought out a Comfort milk.
Oh thanks. Wonder if tesco have started stocking it
My daughter had colic. She was on Aptimil milk. We tried every colic remedy on the market and the one thing that worked wonders was dentinox. She was like a different baby after the first time we gave her it.
You could try something called colic calm i have heard it is good
Heres the site for the colic calm
We have been using dent inbox last few dys and he is doing great, far more settled. Thanks ladies
How long has this been for? It could be colic as the symptoms are similar but my LO started like this from about 2 weeks old and by 5 weeks we it was all day long and not just evenings and NOTHING would work.

We took her to the Dr and was diagnosed silent reflux and she was prescribed gaviscon....for the first 2-3 weeks she was still quite fussy but then all the horrible symptoms went. Shes now 12 weeks and I had a review with the GP and we are going to slowly take her off the gaviscon and see what happens.

We were advised by our GP not to change her milk....she was feeding well and not being sick, her weight gain was good it was just the pain and constant crying after every bottle that showed she had refulx (hence the term silent) so we didnt want to confuse things by changing milk at same time as starting gaviscon.

If you concerned see a GP. We perserved with the dentinox, infacol etc for 4 weeks before seeking help....we were desperate to have a happy baby and eventually we got the help she needed and now loves smiling xxxxx
How long has this been for? It could be colic as the symptoms are similar but my LO started like this from about 2 weeks old and by 5 weeks we it was all day long and not just evenings and NOTHING would work.

We took her to the Dr and was diagnosed silent reflux and she was prescribed gaviscon....for the first 2-3 weeks she was still quite fussy but then all the horrible symptoms went. Shes now 12 weeks and I had a review with the GP and we are going to slowly take her off the gaviscon and see what happens.

We were advised by our GP not to change her milk....she was feeding well and not being sick, her weight gain was good it was just the pain and constant crying after every bottle that showed she had refulx (hence the term silent) so we didnt want to confuse things by changing milk at same time as starting gaviscon.

If you concerned see a GP. We perserved with the dentinox, infacol etc for 4 weeks before seeking help....we were desperate to have a happy baby and eventually we got the help she needed and now loves smiling xxxxx

Lo has been like this on and off for 3 weeks now he is uncomfortable and stressed after feeds especially in the evenings. We started using infacol which worked then stopped working and now using dentinox which is helping. I was thinking of changing from SMA to SMA comfort to see if that helped. But I'm still going to make an appointment with GP as LO is gagging after feeds but never sick, I'm thinking it might be slie t reflux and I hate seeing baby in distress

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