Havent read all the replies yet..
Yeah defo go back. I did. I did an Access to Science course when my son was about 6 months. I did that 4 days a week for a year. It got me into Uni. And while my boy was growing up with granny part time and me part time, I got a degree in biomedicine. That led me to qualify as a scientist, which put me on a staggering amount of pay, which then led me to do a master of science, which in turn whacked up my pay..
so basically I spent 6 yrs doing my 1st degree with a little lad who shared his time between me and my parents (bless 'em) - and for us, it was the best thing I ever did. It meant we didnt have to rely on the state handouts/dole etc, he could have every thing he wanted and everything i wanted etc..
It is really hard work though, and at times you hate yourself and feel like you're the worst mother in the world for carting them off because you have an exam etc etc or becuase you have to write an essay. But remind yourself of why you're doing it and what the benefits are, and you'll get through it.
My son is 12 now and I've overheard him talking to his mates and boasting haha. His buddys say their mum is at college/uni etc and Dean will yeah well my mum is a MASTER. A MASTER of SCIENCE ya know. lol silly bugger.