I think it can be normol hon and some womon just get it earlier than other womon.
Mine has only started the past 2 weeks. I'm now 37 weeks.
I've had bad back
Period pains in back and front
Terrible lightning crotch
Presure real low down
Contractions that get close together and very painful but just fizzle out after about 8 hours.
All since 28 weeks
I had the mukas plug and bloody show 3 weeks ago and more bloody show 4 days ago and still no baby.
I was so hoping to go into labour on my own but despite all the supper early signs it didnt happen and I'm going in today to be injuced.
Mite be worth mentioning to ure midwife if u are worried hon. Good luck.
Praying ure baby stays put until full term