Hi there. I'm very new to this so I'm hoping someone can tell me if they have experienced it or something close.
Husband and I have been actively TTC for a few months now. AF has been quite irregular, sometimes coming on cycle day 21, sometimes not coming until 26-28. I've got an app that I chart AF down and it predicts when it "should" come. So, it said it is due to arrive tomorrow (Nov 25). When AF comes, I always start off with these debilitating cramps and heavy, constant bleeding for about 2 days, then it slows down to almost nothing for 2 days, then comes back with her vengeance for another 3-4 days. This is normal for me. Always. It ALWAYS happens this way.
Last Tuesday (Nov 20, able 10-12 days past predicted ovulation) I had light pink and brown spotting. This stayed this way for Tuesday and Wednesday. Not enough to fill even a pantyliner. Thursday morning upon waking, I wiped and it was bright red. I was sure it was AF so I inserted a tampon only to see that 2 hours later it was completely clean. The rest of the day was very little pink spotting and same goes for Friday. These four days (Tuesday-Friday) I had all the signs of PMS but what could also be implantation bleeding: light bleeding, light cramping, tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, mood swings. This continued today (Saturday 24) upon waking up, same symptoms without the tender breasts, those feel normal again (haha) until about 7:00pm when I started getting intense cramping (same feeling when I get AF) and an hour and a half later medium-slightly heavy red blood (my normal AF symptoms). So I'm now convinced that my AF is here. I'm going to give it a few days to see if it keeps up heavy like this and see how long it lasts. I plan on going to the doctor only because this light bleeding for 4 days is so irregular for me. I guess what I'm wondering is if someone has gone through something like this and still gotten their BFP? Or if they've experienced it and had different outcomes? Can you still have a little bit of heavy bleeding near end of implantation? I don't know. Obviously this is my first time and I'm just a bit confused as to what my body is doing because it's so irregular for me. My mind keeps going into over drive, I can't make an appointment with my doctor yet as it's the weekend, and my poor husband doesn't really know what to say to me crazy rambling (lol).
We really want that BFP, obviously. I've taken a few tests, all negative, but other places say to wait until a week after your assumed implantation bleeding is over as you may have low hcg levels. I'm just wondering if I should count myself out or not. I've heard of some women experiencing regular period like symptoms/bleeding but still gotten the BFP. Again, I don't know. Maybe this is just a desperate and confused woman's rambling.
Thank you for reading, and if you respond, thank you for any experience or advice you may give. It's all appreciated.
Husband and I have been actively TTC for a few months now. AF has been quite irregular, sometimes coming on cycle day 21, sometimes not coming until 26-28. I've got an app that I chart AF down and it predicts when it "should" come. So, it said it is due to arrive tomorrow (Nov 25). When AF comes, I always start off with these debilitating cramps and heavy, constant bleeding for about 2 days, then it slows down to almost nothing for 2 days, then comes back with her vengeance for another 3-4 days. This is normal for me. Always. It ALWAYS happens this way.
Last Tuesday (Nov 20, able 10-12 days past predicted ovulation) I had light pink and brown spotting. This stayed this way for Tuesday and Wednesday. Not enough to fill even a pantyliner. Thursday morning upon waking, I wiped and it was bright red. I was sure it was AF so I inserted a tampon only to see that 2 hours later it was completely clean. The rest of the day was very little pink spotting and same goes for Friday. These four days (Tuesday-Friday) I had all the signs of PMS but what could also be implantation bleeding: light bleeding, light cramping, tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, mood swings. This continued today (Saturday 24) upon waking up, same symptoms without the tender breasts, those feel normal again (haha) until about 7:00pm when I started getting intense cramping (same feeling when I get AF) and an hour and a half later medium-slightly heavy red blood (my normal AF symptoms). So I'm now convinced that my AF is here. I'm going to give it a few days to see if it keeps up heavy like this and see how long it lasts. I plan on going to the doctor only because this light bleeding for 4 days is so irregular for me. I guess what I'm wondering is if someone has gone through something like this and still gotten their BFP? Or if they've experienced it and had different outcomes? Can you still have a little bit of heavy bleeding near end of implantation? I don't know. Obviously this is my first time and I'm just a bit confused as to what my body is doing because it's so irregular for me. My mind keeps going into over drive, I can't make an appointment with my doctor yet as it's the weekend, and my poor husband doesn't really know what to say to me crazy rambling (lol).
We really want that BFP, obviously. I've taken a few tests, all negative, but other places say to wait until a week after your assumed implantation bleeding is over as you may have low hcg levels. I'm just wondering if I should count myself out or not. I've heard of some women experiencing regular period like symptoms/bleeding but still gotten the BFP. Again, I don't know. Maybe this is just a desperate and confused woman's rambling.
Thank you for reading, and if you respond, thank you for any experience or advice you may give. It's all appreciated.