ttc for 5 yrs, first 4 there was nothing, i had all the usually bloods and everything was ok. then in 2009 i had a lap and dye, and all ok but was told i had slight endo which wouldnt make any difference to becoming pg.
The month after this lap and dye i was pg but had a missed m/c at the 12 scan

Then at the start of 2010 i had m/c and 1 suspected m/c, My doctor then said he wonted things sorting out for and referred me to st mary's @manchester.
After scans and bloods i had first appointment with consultant, who got us to sign consentent forms and informed us we could have two ivf cycles on nhs, this was good but i was totaly shocked

i have recently recieved a letter saying to ring on first day of cycle to request treatment, and what medicaton i would be on. i rung the hospital to ask for some medication treatment befor i started ivf and was told they dont do this, i need to contact my gp, which i did and was told he didnt know what to do

As you may understand i'm sooooo confused and feel like i'm being foobed off, i dont know what to do, i'v heard about clomid to induce ovulation, does any one know if this would be a good thing for me to try even through i ovulate on my and all results came back fine.
Can anyone help me????????????