Hi girls, ive been on BNB a while but had another profile and im sure i posted in here at some stage but here i am again lol. I have a 5month old son who has Pulmonary Atresia, its a congenital heart condition that means his main artery to his lungs is completely blocked and one side of his heart is smaller than the other. he also has a hole in the bottom part of his heart which will need to be repaired. he has had 2 surgeries, one open heart and one keyhole and will need lots more. he is small for his age, just 12lbs but is funnily enough a chubby lil thing! he takes about 4 oz of high energy formula every 3 hours and 2-3 spoon feeds which im really grateful for. somedays his breathing is quite laboured and i can see his lips have a bluish tinge to them which indicates his oxygen is getting low and he has to rest alot. I understand his condition completely and have come to terms with it but id love to speak to anyone who has been going through something like this...the surgery and the feeding difficulty etc. thanks to all and hope your little ones are doing ok xxxxxxxxxx