As for you, I say go for it! You have two beautiful kids already, and if it doesn't work it doesn't work. But there is only so much time to have kids, and it would be unfortunate to look back when it's too late and wish you'd had more, or at least tried...
How old are you? If you don't mind my asking. I'm 32
I had a partial molar back in July...heartbeat stopped at 9 weeks after seeing a heartbeat at 6 weeks. Destroyed and to be told a pmp I was gutted ...cleared to ttc after hcg dropped quickly at beginning of October. No chemo needed. I fell pregnant 3 weeks later.
Unfortunately on Christmas Eve. 9 weeks scan showed heartbeat stopped day before by measurements AGAIN!!
I was nervous enough about trying again....I hope I'm not that very very low statistic of repeat molarstill awaiting the histology results.
Good luck to you x x x it's horrible but if you don't go for may regret it
Hi BnB Addict,
Yes am in a similar situation to you. I'm hoping to get the green light to try again in April.
I had a complete molar last year and needed almost 6 months of chemo. Since having finished the treatment in Oct '15 I thankfully have had normal levels in the monthly test. I'm hoping the oncologist will say it's okay to try again at the next appointment in April.
I turned 40 last May so really feel this molar pregnancy might have "robbed" me of any opportunity I might have had to have another child. I have a 20 month old daughter and would dearly love to have another baby.
I am very cautious about it though and don't want to raise my expectations. If we can't conceive again at least we have our little girl.
Wish you all the best on your journey. x
Reba by. wasn't a second molarstill had to be referred to charing cross as after any pregnancy successful or not you have to have hcg checks. They are now normal and I'm free to ttc.....nervous
I was diagnosed with a partial molar pregnancy 6 months ago. We found out at our 12week scan that our baby had passed at 8 weeks. It was so heartbreaking! We have to date lost 4 babies. First at 14 weeks, second at 16 weeks (both had passed at 8weeks but missed miscarriage) third at 6 weeks and our last one at 12 weeks 6 months ago. I had never heard of molar pregnancies untill we were diagnosed but I sure do know a lot about it all now! We had DC two weeks after finding out the baby had died and then as most of you ladies have had to do I had weekly blood tests untill HCG levels were three negatives in a row. It took 2months to fall negative and then went to monthly. As you are feeling we were so so scared to TTC again but we have two boys 5.5yr and 8 yrs who both desperately want to have a new sibling so we decided to TTC for their sake. We are now 9 weeks 2 days today. We had our second ultrasound yesterday and everything looks ok 😊 It was the scariest wait I felt shaky and dizzy so scared to recieve bad news. But everything is perfect 😁 There is hope for everyone don't give up 😊