My son is 9.5 months and the past week and a half or so has only been pooping every other day or so. When he does poop, they're little balls. He finally really pooped yesterday, but it was partially normal/partially really black. It matches all the pictures of iron fortified poop, but he's not on iron supplements. I called the pediatrician, but she said bc of the previous constipation that maybe that was just the "uncorking." So today, we didn't have a poop again so I gave him a suppository(baby one of course) just to help him out, and also make sure that it wasn't still black since I was worried about it possibly being bleeding. It wasn't black, but even with the suppository, it was still a big hard ball and he seemed in such distress trying to get it out! I felt horrible. He hasn't been eating any of the main foods that are known to cause constipation and I've been trying to feed him more veggies and such with fiber. I've tried very diluted apple juice and it seems to help when he'll drink it, but he's not a fan. Has anyone else had this problem or have any advice? I'm going to call the dr again if it keeps up, but if I can help him in the meantime, I would so much love to!!