Went to see the wonderful Mrs Chattington today, was feeling fine, great fantastic even! ... she was running behind (as per usual) so i finally goes in all smiles and it went down hill from there.
I feel fine ...ok i've had breathlessness climbing the starts and im stuggling to carry maddie but hey thats life init you just carry on!
So she did my peak flow (normal person 500) mine ...270 shit i thought when i see her face! (Had a coughing fit at this point lol) ... then we went through all my inhalers ... on im max inhalers and max dosage for everything we have no other options on medication, She checked my chest and she said im wheezing and have a "rattle" and she wasn't to happy about it.
She got out my notes from when i saw her last yr when PG with maddie and said my Peak flow result was worse now at 22wk than i was at 27wks PG with maddie.
For the second time in 3wks i have been told by no less than 2 different consultants i shall be admitted from around the 32wk mark for treatment and monitoring, I have to have steriods (oral and Injection form) will be on nebs and have clinic everyday.
Totally gutted about this but she is adimant things arn't good, ok so i haven't been feeling great but i didn't think i was that bad, being induced aound 36+wks is going to happen but im soooo annoyed that i im gonna be stuck in that hospital again for that amount of time!
Just hope it pisses down with rain, it goes cold and i can breath properly so none of this has to happen!! ....
Totally sucks ... well i have to go back again in 3wks ...
YAY me

I feel fine ...ok i've had breathlessness climbing the starts and im stuggling to carry maddie but hey thats life init you just carry on!
So she did my peak flow (normal person 500) mine ...270 shit i thought when i see her face! (Had a coughing fit at this point lol) ... then we went through all my inhalers ... on im max inhalers and max dosage for everything we have no other options on medication, She checked my chest and she said im wheezing and have a "rattle" and she wasn't to happy about it.
She got out my notes from when i saw her last yr when PG with maddie and said my Peak flow result was worse now at 22wk than i was at 27wks PG with maddie.
For the second time in 3wks i have been told by no less than 2 different consultants i shall be admitted from around the 32wk mark for treatment and monitoring, I have to have steriods (oral and Injection form) will be on nebs and have clinic everyday.
Totally gutted about this but she is adimant things arn't good, ok so i haven't been feeling great but i didn't think i was that bad, being induced aound 36+wks is going to happen but im soooo annoyed that i im gonna be stuck in that hospital again for that amount of time!
Just hope it pisses down with rain, it goes cold and i can breath properly so none of this has to happen!! ....
Totally sucks ... well i have to go back again in 3wks ...
YAY me