So me and my boyfriend were messing around about 2 months ago. He went in once and I decided i didn't want to go any further because i was scared. I would also like to inform that two days before my period this month I had a endoscopy and an endoscopy done. It was the day before thanksgiving. I started the before prep stuff Monday night all the way up until my procedure Wednesday. Well Friday, two days after my period this month, I woke up to my period, which always starts as soon as i wake up in the morning. My period came when expected. My periods are usually regular. About June they started everyday on the first of the month, this happened for about 3 months and then they started 2 days earlier than the first. As did this months period. Well my period this month is being weird. The first day and half was normal heavy red bleeding. Then it stopped early Saturday. Now since Saturday I've been having darkish reddish blood just enough to fill a pad everyday at approximately 4 in the afternoon. My question is could this mean that i am pregnant and i'm just having implantation bleeding or is this just that the prep solution messed with hormones or is it stress from the procedure and everyday life? I am a college student with finals next week. I am not trying to get pregnant. Please don't hate on how immature my boyfriend and i were in doing this without a condom. I know it was stupid. Please help me I need to know. Also two weeks after me and my boyfriend were messing around i had a normal period, and had also been to the doctors during my period. They did a pregnancy test and it came out negative, but I'm not sure what's going on. Please help!