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Council house for life?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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So I don't know if anyone saw the programme on Channel 4 last night about how to get a council house. I found it very shocking, one minute I was feeling desperately sorry for the people waiting years for a home, the next minute I was frustrated at the people who were front of the queue turning homes down for not having parking spaces (in London....they didn't even have a car!)

Anyway, it got me to thinking, in 21st Century Britain should council homes still be for life?
In most cases a home for life contract doesn't mean you have that home for life it just means if something happens and you have to be moved out they are legally obliged to find you somewhere else suitable to live.
They can still knock the house down and move you out or move you out for a larger family just that they have to find you somewhere else which I think is fair enough

The problem I find is in certain areas like ours the price of private renting and buying is so stupidly high that there is no other option then going through housing associations (the council don't deal with housing in our are a company set up by the airport runs them in its place)
Private renting here for 2 bed house is anything from £1300 - £2000 a month and a 1 or 2 bed flat is anything from £800 - £1400 a month.
To buy a 1 or 2 bed flat is around £240,000 and a 2 bed house is from £290,000 - £350,000.
Who can really afford that?
My grandparents have lived in the same 2 bed house for nearly 50 years and the house is owned by the HA (was the council until this HA bought the contracts) and without that subsidised rent that councils or HA offers they would never be able to afford private renting if they where kicked out of their home so then what is done with them?
About 80% of the renting in this area goes through this HA because the area rent and buying got so high at one point everyone was leaving so they stepped in to try normalising the market and bought up loads of local flats and houses so they can rent them out, it started out as being able to rent them to airport workers but after taking the contracts from the council they now deal with everyone.
Our flat also goes through them and we have a home for life contract as well (unless we don't pay rent or are anti social) without that contract if they decided to move us out we wouldn't stand a chance to private rent and would have to move away from both our families as they all live here
Nope I think its wrong. Those houses are for those in need at THIS present time. Not for life.

Parts of that programme I found crazy, although In London I can completely see why so many need social housing, private renting is extortionate. But the woman who was shown that beautiful, half a million pound flat then moaned it had no parking space... disgusting!
I think any and all government assistance should be temporary, I appreciate some people will have no choice, but I don't think it should ever been seen as a permanent situation. I don't know way the answer is though, the point is if rents are that high who can afford them? Not many people spend over 200k on their first house.
I dont thin they should be for life and i also think there should be a income review every few years and rent be adjusted accordingly
I'll preface this with "dhur, 'Murica", but if rent and prices are truly so high that no one can afford them, wouldn't the prices drop when they have no buyers/tenants? We have places like that in the US, too, and if you can't afford it, you just don't live there. I assume it's different there, but can someone explain how so?
I dont think it should be for life.
my friend & her hubby both work full time & earn about 3k a month between them (before tax) yet they are STILL in their council house only paying £350 pcm (2 bed house)
i am currently living alone (the council are paying my rent of £700 pcm on a 2 bed flat) but my OH wants to move in, we worked out that we are better off as we are & he stays 2 nights a week, as if he moves in the council will only pay about £100pcm - he works full time & me part time so we will be worse off money wise & wont be able to afford to live.
its stupid & makes me so angry!!!
I'll preface this with "dhur, 'Murica", but if rent and prices are truly so high that no one can afford them, wouldn't the prices drop when they have no buyers/tenants? We have places like that in the US, too, and if you can't afford it, you just don't live there. I assume it's different there, but can someone explain how so?

CAnt speak for other areas but with our area it is a prime location for comuting to London, heathrow airport, the train station here pretty much links to all major city routs and its a status thing, surrey is seen as the posh upper class place to be (its not)

So pretty much even with the prices rising there are always going to be someone willing to pay the price just so they can work in London but say they live in surrey/countryside.
The families that have lived in our little village for years (mine has been here 8 generations now originally farming this land before the airport) are being pushed out and replaced by people that are using the houses as part time homes for during the week so local business such as shops are suffering because there are no families here for the best part of the week.

The other problem is a lot of the houses are being bought up by landlords and being rented out at ridiculus prices to immigration families because things like airport jobs and the surrounding outer London area are the main source of jobs for them so they have high rents to pay and forced to work more hours or just get it paid for by benefits.

That's why the airport set up a company to buy out most of the homes here and start to charge a reasonable rate to try flattening the market back to something affordable for the everyday person because it was really coming to the point where one side was posh, celebrity land and the other was a slum.
The company eventualy took over from the council and then jooined with another company to form A2 which now runs most of the housing in this area.
You still have private renting and buying but that's going to be the case anywhere and the company build on average 15000 new homes a year on what used to be old scrub land and do masses for local communities , social groups, kids clubs, conservation areas.
Oh and to add to that the company is no longer run by the airport and the airport is now trying to screw over all that work by trying to build another runway which will basicly run through my parents livingroom so all that work and building new homes and building the area back up would be for nothing.
I believe that the government are looking to phase in an income review whereby if you are deemed able to afford private rents then you can loose your home. Right to buy should also be scrapped too.
I'll preface this with "dhur, 'Murica", but if rent and prices are truly so high that no one can afford them, wouldn't the prices drop when they have no buyers/tenants? We have places like that in the US, too, and if you can't afford it, you just don't live there. I assume it's different there, but can someone explain how so?

No because basically the poorer people get pushed out of the private sector and wealthier people move in, an example in the US is what I have read on Harlem and Brooklyn, how these used to be quite derived but loved areas with a strong community, city developers move in making the area more desirable and causing prices to push the "locals" out. This is extremely prevalent in London in the UK and anywhere commutable.

The UK is also much smaller obviously, so there are less places for people to spread out to and fewer "affluent" areas meaning the affluent areas just grow in prestige and wealth rather than eventually fizzling out if this makes sense.

The hard thing is, like Smokey says in areas that end up becoming more affluent the locals get pushed out, so it becomes an argument of do we have a right to choose where we live or should we be grateful if the council are supplying this and go where we there are homes. We couldn't afford to stay in our home town, not because it was expensive, the opposite in fact, there are barely any jobs so we have located for a better quality of life just as my parents chose to do when I was a child. So I am of the view that people should do what they have to do to improve their quality of life, I don't understand why people wait 10 years for a house in Tower Hamlets of all places, but I guess this is there home...can we say they can't live there?

The problem with council houses for life is that it isn't workable now that the government isn't building houses to replace the ones that were bought or the ones where people have chosen to stay. If the council house for life is to stay more houses need to be built, if not which I think is the case, a fairer system needs to be in place for dishing them out.

My step mother got a 3 bed house being a single mum to 2 kids on a low income, she eventually met my dad, they married and he moved in, he had a decent wage for the area but they kept the house. I am assuming she would have got housing benefit before and subsequently lose this but they were only paying £300 a month, cheaper than the "market" rental. I think once this occurs families should lose the house, or be made to pay full market value IF the money went towards new homes....which I doubt would even happen tbh! They have gone into private rent now to move out of the area.

Seeing the outcry from the extra bedroom thing I don't know how much can change without them committing political suicide. Watching the programme just made me very grateful we don't rely on social housing.
I dont begrudge people benefits and access to council housing but dont think it should be for life, obviosly people have hard times. I grew up in working class family where we struggled week to week for money. The thing that does irritate a bit is people been able to live in very expensive places. This may be jelousy though lol. Me and dh could not afford to live neer either my parents or his as both areas are expensive. We live just over an hour away from both sets of parents. We would love to stay neer family but economically its not possible even when both of us were in well paying jobs, impossible especially now im a sahm, we just accept it as our reality. Most of my friends have this as well. Most of my friends unless they live with parents who work in london cannot afford to live there even if they grew up there. I didnt see programme but cant believe people would turn down flat over parking space. My grandma lives in council housing and at one point was in a large 4 bedroom house on her own which once was family home. She volunteered to give up thst house not asked for smaller property
Council housing isn't the issue, the bigger issue is the monopoly of big business. Many organisations and charities have tried to reason with the government that the way around the housing problem is to place caps on rent but they would rather make it more difficult for people to get a property rather than upsetting their friends or the NIMBY brigade. It's an irony the double blow that people get, they get stigmatised for needing a council property and then marginalised when they are prized completely out of the market.

I think it's easy to say yes for a short period of time, but where do these people go? cost of housing is going up not down, wages are not increasing significantly enough that someone say in 10 years time will be earning enough to move, where are they supposed to go?
Renting is a flippin rip off..

ive been looking to rent nearer my parents..
i found a property i fell in love with but the admin fees are rediculous!!!

im looking at paying £700 just for admin fees then i need £2000 deposit.. like i can afford that being a single mum but i cant stay here because im terrified (involved in DV with FOB). but the council waiting list is aprox 6 yrs :/
My local council are starting to implement income reviews from 2015... Which is all well and good but those who already have a tenancy with the council or with a housing assosiation won't be affected and will still have their home for life/ 99 year lease.. So those that sign a new tenancy will only be affected not the people already having tenancys with them.

Me and Tom signed our tenancy with the housing assosiation we are with end of may so we have been told we won't be affected. Toms just started a new job (wells starting end of September fingers crossed) our income will go up but its making me worry because he'll be classed as self employed but sometimes work does dry up for a few months and we'll be I'm less money than we were to start with... I'm not sure what would happen then if we were to be affected by the income review... Would we have to move out a few months of the year and private rent (which in our area were looking at £800 a month) and then the rest of the year when work drys up move back into our home were in now.

Does that make sense I'm useless at explaining :haha:
admin fees for renting are ridicules. We rented for quite a while and it was so expensive and then the agency's tried to rip off by not listing problems with property when moved in and then trying to charge when we moved out, we had one good agency we rented with. I love having own house as now atleast don't have to worry about the awful property management. I can see why a lot of people do need to get council houses. It is awful to think what we pay for mortgage for our 3 bed house is same as what we rented our first flat which was a studio flat with a tiny shower and toilet room.
admin fees for renting are ridicules. We rented for quite a while and it was so expensive and then the agency's tried to rip off by not listing problems with property when moved in and then trying to charge when we moved out, we had one good agency we rented with. I love having own house as now atleast don't have to worry about the awful property management. I can see why a lot of people do need to get council houses. It is awful to think what we pay for mortgage for our 3 bed house is same as what we rented our first flat which was a studio flat with a tiny shower and toilet room.

We had the same problem before this place when we was looking at private renting we noticed some of the agency's would not list the property accurate and one agency even put the wrong price down for the monthly rent when I confronted them denied it untill I printed it all of and showed then they didnt know what to say.

A lot of the property's my other half works on (he does property maintanance for landlords at the moment through estate agency's) some of the stuff he sees is awful... One house he went into somewhere where a few months prior was leaking carbon monoxide into the house where a single mum and her 2 children were living... She told the landlord what was wrong and he came round without her knowing when she was out and repaired it with cello tape!:growlmad: it wasn't untill she and her kids started feeling really unwell and was rushed to hospital it all came to light :nope:.

Another family were left without hot water to start with for 3 months and then any water at all for a further month...paying £850 a month for the pleasure!! It was only when they refused their rent till it was fixed the landlord actually got my other Halfs company into fix it.

Lastly a family he went round to decorate before they moved in... The wife told my partner they were moving because the landlord was coming round when they were out at work rummaging through their drawers and stealing! They caught him out one day by hiding a camera!

Experiences like this is what put me off completely and what made me wait 2 1/2 years for the place we are in now... And even then we got this place by chance because Tom has local connection to the area!
Nope, council houses or even tenancies should not be for life. I'd like a maximum tenure of five years and a maximum of 3 tenures. If after 15 years of government help you haven't been able to get your family on to the private market then it's tough luck, you are on your own.

But as I've said before, I'd be a very unpopular prime minister!
Hmmmm, we dont really have the same here. You can apply for low income housing (apartments) and that is based on income, so, ouoly want to live there if ou are dirt poor as otherwise ou will pay more than a nice house. Average 3 bed homes here are $350K and up. Rent for 3 bed house is probably $1200-$1600/mth. Cheaper for apartments, or suites in houses. It must be hard for people. i cant imagine those living on assistance or even minimum wage....espesially with children. I think it needs to be for families and those worse off tho...but, there is not alot of LIH here....like maybe 5 buildings in our whole city. So, most are on their own, altough, I think they can get some rental assistance from assistance.
I'd vote for you foogirl! Can I be your deputy :)

They shouldn't be for life, they should be for people in need. Maybe our country wouldn't be in such a mess if they governed council houses and whoever needs to be there is, and the others who see it as a way of life are kicked into line and made to fend for themselves.
Obviously there are exceptions.

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