My ex and I broke up when LO was 10 months. She's 18 months now. She is in my name and we have never lived together and she has never stayed at his home. We broke up because he text me threatening to kill me after a nasty argument, the agreement was for hi. To seeger twice a week for the day. Over Christmas he became paranoid that I had a new boyfriend and assumed it was a colleague of mine, he threatened to smash his glasses without taking them off his face and has been verbally aggressive in a number of texts. On both occasions I we t to the police to have it logged. As time went on he got a new job 8-6 weekdays so asked to have LO every other weekend, I agreed but said no to staying over as she is too young and it would confuse her. I also said, as I do have my child's best interests at heart that he could come to my house twice a week to see her and put her to bed. He has since stopped doing that for the past month and has now become threatening towards me again, I've told him he is not to come to my house unless it is his weekend and he is picking her up or I will phone the police. He is now threatening g me with court as he seems to think he could get joint custody, is this likely to happen? I'm terrified of him, I fear he's stalking me and if and when I meet someone new he will become a danger to myself and my new partner. Please help me.