Just a quickie:
After my EC on Monday I have had cramping and pain low down in my tummy - like my normal ovulation pain - and they were quite bad the day after EC and the day of ET. They have eased pretty much yeterday and today but I am still getting occasional twinges.
Due to the fact that I am now stupidly obsessing about every twinge and imagining it could be implantation (which I know its probably too early for) was just wondering when everyone elses EC pain went away - and if they had any implantation pain?
to everyone,
Bx x x
Just a quickie:
After my EC on Monday I have had cramping and pain low down in my tummy - like my normal ovulation pain - and they were quite bad the day after EC and the day of ET. They have eased pretty much yeterday and today but I am still getting occasional twinges.
Due to the fact that I am now stupidly obsessing about every twinge and imagining it could be implantation (which I know its probably too early for) was just wondering when everyone elses EC pain went away - and if they had any implantation pain?
to everyone,
Bx x x