the expressing before birth is for the diabetes in case baby has a hypo. apparently you collect the milk in a syringe and freeze it then youve got extra to suppliment your breastfed milk. i cant see how it will help if you get so little, but Ill try it in case it makes a difference as its better than the alternatives. Im not worried about him having a hypo tho as the only way that would happen is if my levels were too high. it sounds like something they say but not sure if they would actually push it if i was having problems. sounds bloody painful at best.
leigh - great news about the scan and the next one in a month! I always think that boots is rly expensive but maybe its worth it with 3 for 2
amy - thats ridiculous about your mum, why have a phone if shes so offended by it. imagine if she was sent a mms! I wouldnt bother with shoes tbh for baby, i mean theyre cute but their feet wont actually need covering that much as they have babygrows/snowsuits/etc for ages. save your money for when hes needing proper shoes every 3 months!
mrsb - re freebies, i just googled baby club and joined all the supermarket ones, they mostly have some freebie for joining. also google free baby stuff and you might find a few bits. theres not loads tho really, its mostly samples of washing powder and fabric conditioner, theres a few which giveyou free packs of nappies but not that many
hope the cold gets better
hannah - sorry you and dh are rowing. we row all the time and its just second nature now, im sure its just a blip and when baby is here youll just get on with things as you just have to dont you
i cant remember if i gave an update since my appt on monday, ill do it again anyway.
my pelvis has been feeling quite achey, consultant says its pgp after a fall at that festival and unlikely to resolve, but im sure theres something which can be done to contain it at least, so got the drs and osteopath today.
saw the mw and consultant on monday and both went scarily well. i think it was because i demonstrated my compliance and my sugar levels were good. she said that baby is unlikely to be overgrown so i think ill meet less resistance tbh now theyve seen i can control it well. she said that a large baby would be considered as over 9lbs, doesnt sound that big to me, i mean 10 or 11 lbs id say thats big but still managable, but 9lbs seems fine. have growth scan booked in two weeks tho, still cant decide on it but i think we're just gonna see how we feel as theres arguments for either side and we're totally on the fence as in not really bothered either way rather than unsure. its quite nice to see baby but the scans arent really that pleasant so will leave it to rich rly, hes the one who wants to see him.
going to a wedding on friday and i bought a new dress in the end, wasnt expensive, £30 from m&p and its not massively wedding-y so i can wear it for other things and have that mad bird hairclip too! gonna get dolled up so I look amazing, or as amazing as is possible
then the nct sales are starting up again this week so going to one saturday. plan is to get a baby bath and a baby gym, maybe a bouncy seat if we see one. also need a blanket or two, i looked in mothercare and they were either horrible and scratchy or expensive.
anyway, have a good day.