Oh its so nice to have lots of peeps back in the group. And don't forget you can add the 'Curvy Ladies Member' into your signature if you want - Let me know if you need to know how to put it in.
Rachel (Cherry) thats so rubbish you had a crappy day! Its very difficult working out what your entitled too, have you checked Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits? Are you sure you can't get anything? because they shouldn't take into account your joint income becuase you are now not working! Unless Pete gets paid over the threshold then perhaps you won't
Also you could check to see if you are entitled to the Sure Start Maternity Grant - becuase your now on JS you may be able to claim - https://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyT...ort/Expectingorbringingupchildren/DG_10018854. If I get made redundant I'm not eligible for this as you are only allowed it with your first child.
xheartsx well the situation is that if you earn over about £102 (I think) a week and you are working until your qualifying week (15 weeks before baby born) (I'm due on 27th Nov and my qualifying week is 8th August) then you are entitled to SMP. I am eligible for two lots because I earn over £102 per week in two different companies. If you get made redundant before this and are not entitled to SMP you may be entitled to Maternity Allowance (MA) which is the same amount as SMP, you have to have been working recently to claim this, so you should be eligible. Check out https://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyT...ort/Expectingorbringingupchildren/DG_10018741. Sorry if any of my info is incorrect - thats just off the top of my head, but check the sites and it will tell you.
Rachel and xheartsx your right I think its going to be really hard to find employment, Rachel is already having to face the Job Centre - poor thing. But I say take the opportunity to get some rest, maybe do some decorating etc, start nesting - I love that bit about being pregnant! I've started nesting already but there is so much I want to do and not enough hours in the day!
Sunshine 623, I think I'm probably having a girl too, there are lots of girls in our family, I'm one of three and I have my daughter Holly so I would like a boy, for my Dad really, he's never had a boy in the family! But like you say as long as its healthy thats all that matters.
Bye girlies....have a nice day and talk soon Xxxx