Logged on to facebook today to read a post by someone who wrote:"Every morning I wake up and think dangit I'm still pregnant." Ummm..... I thought of commenting that I have the opposite problem and that I would gladly trade her. I hate to be the wake up and smell the roses lady, but I can't take the complaints anymore. Thanks I just needed to complain to people who know what this feels like.
I hate that!!
At my old job a co-worker of mine got pregnant after 1 month of trying and during her pregnancy she was pretty ok, but then she found out the sex. She cried for over two weeks because she was having a boy and wanted a girl. Hello, be glad you are pregnant. Afterwards, she told me that if I didn't hurry she would have two kids before I even had one. WOW. Insensitive people.
One of my friends has had a pretty emotional, hard pregnancy and all she does is complain. Yes, I understand she is miserable, but never once have I heard excitement about the baby. It makes me so sad.
I want to post on Facebook...I am LTTTC stop complaining!!