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dated 5 weeks, 5mm fetal pole - no heartbeat. Help!


Jul 29, 2018
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I’ve just had my first scan and had an awful experience.

Finding out I was pregnant was a surprise and I have irregular periods so I have absolutely no clue on dates.

They had to do an internal scan as they couldn’t see much on normal scan. The scan tech said I was measuring at about 5 weeks. There was a sac and fetal pole present. She said the fetal pole was measuring about 5mm but there was no heartbeat. She said this was cause for concern as they would expect to see a heartbeat at this stage.
I’ve had no bleeding or cramping.

I’ve been booked in for another scan in a weeks time and I’m beside myself with worry I can’t stop crying.

I came home and did loads of research and there’s so much conflicting information.

Has anyone had an experience similar to this with a positive outcome?
It all depends on when you ovulated. With your history of irregular cycles it's very possible you truly are 5 weeks. I woud not expect a heartbeat until 6 weeks. I'm sorry you are in limbo. I hope they are rechecking in a week.
It all depends on when you ovulated. With your history of irregular cycles it's very possible you truly are 5 weeks. I woud not expect a heartbeat until 6 weeks. I'm sorry you are in limbo. I hope they are rechecking in a week.

Yes I’ve to go back in week,
It’s already been booked in. Just trying to stay positive
I would stay positive as you have irregular cycles, no bleeding, and no cramping. Looking forward to your update:)
I would be extremely surprised to see a heartbeat at 5 weeks! Try your hardest not to worry, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised next week xx
What. They have created unnessary fear and scared you and that is not okay.
With my daughter at 5w1d we didn't even see a sac. We didn't see anything. My uterus looked completely empty. I went back 2 weeks later and at 7w1d saw a little baby with a beating heart. Sending love. Try to keep busy but also relax. Meditation and yoga can help. I'm sorry they have given you awful advice x
I would be extremely surprised to see a heartbeat at 5 weeks! Try your hardest not to worry, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised next week xx

She told me it wasn’t necessarily to do with how many weeks I was but the fetal pole length. She said at 5mm there should be a heartbeat present and all she could say was I’m sorry this isn’t the news you wanted today. I’ve been referred to an early scan unit at another hospital for the next scan. The midwife I spoke to afterwards said it might just be that they had caught me too early but she wanted me to be prepared for bad news 🙁
What. They have created unnessary fear and scared you and that is not okay.
With my daughter at 5w1d we didn't even see a sac. We didn't see anything. My uterus looked completely empty. I went back 2 weeks later and at 7w1d saw a little baby with a beating heart. Sending love. Try to keep busy but also relax. Meditation and yoga can help. I'm sorry they have given you awful advice x

She said it was to do with the 5mm measurement. Apparently there should be a heartbeat present at that stage and she was incredibly adamant about it but I’ve read elsewhere that they wait until the measurement is at 7mm before making the final call and that you don’t expect to see the heartbeat until around 6/7 weeks so it’s hard to know what to believe. It’s so scary as this is my first pregnancy.
I've had friends with 5mm measurements and no HB at that point - and no doctors told them anything like this. I also find it strange that they are already going there... My friends were simply re-booked and everything was good and they've had their babies with no issues.

Hang in there :hugs:
I've had friends with 5mm measurements and no HB at that point - and no doctors told them anything like this. I also find it strange that they are already going there... My friends were simply re-booked and everything was good and they've had their babies with no issues.

Hang in there :hugs:

This has definitely reassured me somewhat! Honestly if everything is ok I’m not having that ultrasound tech go anywhere near me and there’s definitely a complaint going in. It’s just being left in limbo that’s the worst. This is going to be the longest week of my life. Just trying to stay positive that everything is ok 🙂
Just wanted to wish you lots of luck, I hope everything is ok, its really awful being in limbo. Try and keep positive and keep us updated if you like x
If you are truly 5 weeks then it is much too early to worry. 😊 I went in at 5 weeks and 6 days with no fetal pole or heartbeat. I went back at 6 weeks 4 days and saw a clear baby and healthy heartbeat! We are certain about my dates, too, because we triggered ovulation and did an iUI.

Try not to stress. I’m confident that it is just too early!
Quick update, i had a tiny amount of spotting that sent my mind into overtime. haven’t had any cramps as yet which i’m hoping is a good sign. called midwife regarding this, told me not to worry unless i experience pain or a period like bleeding was told just to keep my planned appointment but again she asked if at my first scan was it explained to me that it might not be good news tomorrow!! at my wits end with all this! i know they need to be realistic and i wouldn’t want false hope but the amount of stress they are putting me through is inhumane! this has been the worst week of my life!! will update tomorrow once i know either way x
i find it so odd that they said there may be an issue...

I Just had my ultrasound this morning and i am to only 5 weeks.. all they saw was a very very very tiny sac... they said its reassuring because last week there was only a thick lining... but that im still just so early so another 2 weeks come back and they will be able to see more.. very strange how everyone always hears different things
i find it so odd that they said there may be an issue...

I Just had my ultrasound this morning and i am to only 5 weeks.. all they saw was a very very very tiny sac... they said its reassuring because last week there was only a thick lining... but that im still just so early so another 2 weeks come back and they will be able to see more.. very strange how everyone always hears different things

apparently they’re concerned because on first scan they could see the sac and a fetal pole measuring 5mm and apparently when a fetal pole measures at that they should see a heartbeart and if they don’t they consider it suspicious. One of the midwifes says it could be they’ve caught me too early or it might be bad news hence the rescan. I just hate being in limbo and wish they would be more kind when discussing it with me. i don’t want false hope but they’ve been quite cold about it 🙁
UGH! Sorry you are experiencing this! Following for tomorrows update and wishing you the best!
unfortunately it wasn’t good news for me today 😭 baby hasn’t grown since last scan and no heartbeat. been diagnosed with an incomplete miscarriage. now i need to make a decision on how to proceed. thank you everyone for responding at least i’m not in limbo anymore just heartbroken instead 💔

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