It totally depends on the place you use and they're all different. In our case (in the UK), we provide our own nappies and wipes as well as breast milk or formula. They provide all snacks and a hot lunch, plus water and milk to drink. Once our daughter was a bit past 1, they offered to just give her cow's milk in a cup if I didn't want to send bottles anymore (we just gave her milk in a bottle or cup at home anyway), so now they provide the milk as well. They provide sunscreen and (with permission) also any OTC medicine needed, within reason. If she suddenly feels like she has a fever, but they don't think it's serious enough to send or home, they'll call and ask if I want her to have some Calpol. Or last number, she fell in stinging nettles and they called and asked if I wanted her to have some allergy medicine for the itching. But they provide all that, including nappy cream if she needs it. You can request to bring in your own stuff if you want (if you use a special nappy cream or a hypoallergenic sunscreen). Then we just provide wellie boots (in addition to her normal shoes), a change of clothes, and a jumper/coat. But I think it will be different everywhere. I know some places won't administer medicine at all. Or you have to send your own sunscreen. But they'll provide nappies and formula.