There is absolutely no answer to this! My girl took almost 4 years to conceive and now #2 has taken 3.5 years with 2 losses and no pregnancy, throughout the whole time TTC I have struggled so much with people's pregnancy/new baby announcements. I don't begrudge them at all and I am so happy for them, but at the same time I am so, so sad for myself. LTTTC takes such a toll mentally, it has honestly messed with me so badly, from the highs (positive pregnancy tests, the birth of my daughter 6 years ago) to the worst lows and worst times of my life (my losses) it is so tough. All I would say is just so whatever you have to do to keep yourself sane, and be kind to yourself. If you feel like you can't see the happy posts, unfollow them on Facebook/Instagram etc, if you feel so sad that you don't want to move off the sofa then don't, do what you've got to do to be happy xx