Hey there! So i didn't feel my guy until about then at all! I was worried i had some decreased movement around then, and at my scan they explained he was breech and if he rotated abs was kicking/punching me in the back, i didn't feel him at alllll. My ob basically said not to be toooo worried about having days with less movement still (her definition of still was in 2nd trimester, her opinion was feels in the second tri were better to gauge what would be normal movement time frames in the third). Now at 24.5, I'm starting to be able to feel very light back punches...lol they're not so fun...they're actually incredibly uncomfortable and my hubby laughs because I'm uncomfortable when i have them and crazy when i don't!
All being said, everyone/baby is different, if you keep stressing and dnt feel aanythijg soon maybe give doc a call?