Hi.. I have boy/girl twins 3.5 months today (37 weekers)...My girl is way too ahead on almost all the milestones for her age but my boy has started making eye contact (sometimes) a week back.. He smiled yesterday many times and is making lots of sound with himself since last 15 days. He cries bad and holds his breath so I feel terrible in trying things with him. He hates tummy time and gets all blue when I try with him for a minute or two. He hardly moves his neck. I went to the pediatrician when he was 2.3 months for my concern that did not make eye contact. I was worried to a point that I was not sure that even he could see. He had eye examination, and we found optic nerve pallor. To test the extent of damage we got EEG, VEP, and BERA tests done all of which came good. He doesn't seem to have any issues according to a neurologist. and soon after these tests, he started making eye contact sometimes. Now, I am struggling to get him hit some tummy time and exercises, which he hates so much. Any advice(s)