They're definitely not too big for a toddler or preschooler carrier. We have a preschool Rose & Rebellion and it's great. I use it for my very long legged 17 month old and my 3.5 year old. If they're on my front, it's nice and cuddly but on my back it's just like a hands free piggy back, except much much easier on my back. My OH wore my eldest in it for the first time around Ikea last weekend. I think he expected it to be difficult but they had a great time - he was running around and jumping like a madman and she loved it
The only think you should watch out for is getting a carrier that is wide enough under their bum. If it doesn't support them from knee pit to knee pit (or thereabouts) it can be uncomfortable on their legs and dig in. Definitely look for a toddler/preschool carrier rather than a normal baby sized one.
Its not to late, have a look for a preschool size. I use a wompat which are not cheep but they last and hold their value.
You might need to gradually build up the time you carry them for at first. Start with 5-10 mins and increase it. Dont go straight for a 4 mile walk or you might end up a bit sore.
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