
I know exactly how you feel. When I stand up I am a little rounder..with the right shirts..but mostly I just look fat. I'm feeling movement also..but with my first pregnancy I was showing so much more by this time. I have like 10 friends who are pregnant right now too and they all have cute bumps. I find myself pooching my tummy out when they are around. I have a feeling though that once we pop..we are gonna wish we had stayed so small lol
I'm sorry you feel this way! I know how it feels, trust me. But it can change! With my first baby I didn't get big until I was 7 months along, and I swear it was practically over night! I stretched so big so fast I was riddled with wide, deep, painful stretch marks. I hope that doesn't happen to you, but I do hope you get that bump you so desire!
In the same exact boat. I just saw a pregnant woman the other day with a perfectly obvious bump. Mine is...well, looks like bloat. It's high and doesn't really show unless I wear the right clothes. Mostly, coworkers or other people just think I've gained weight. I have the same fantasies of how I am supposed to look at 6 months pregnant and can only hope that since this is my first that I will get more of a real bump later on.

But everyday I wake up with the same look, it makes me disappointed.
Every body is so different, and people certainly like to comment on it, don't they?

My mother in law says "Oh, you've gotten bigger... This way" (and gestures side to side). Hmm, thanks ma.

I'm sure you look beautiful and I hope you start to feel that way soon :)
My bump got really obvious about 2 weeks ago and I felt the same as you. At 22wks. Now it's higher it's more obvious. Don't fret, you'll get there. There was a girl on my train the other day who had a 'baby on board' badge (the badge our public transport system gives mums so they can get a seat) and my OH said she was jealously eyeing up my bump, it's frustrating when it takes it's time to appear but it will.

I am sure you look utterly fab and bubs must just be comfortable nestled a bit further back.

My OH told his mum on the phone the other day I was "huge"...hummm, thanks love! Makes me feel weird and stressed seeing this big lump out front!!

Post a pic when you can, we'll all love your bump for sure :)
I'm the opposite. People always think I'm further along. Your body is just doing what it does, I wouldn't worry.

I am sorry that you aren't looking quite how you'd expected to look but I am jealous that you can fit your clothes!!! In a few weeks I won't be able to fit any of my normal stuff - then it's a nightmare trying to find something to wear....first world problems right there ;)
Some girls I know also never really showed with their pregnancies. I haven't seen them at 30 weeks and stuff but prior to that they didn't even look like they had a bloat or anything. A girl at school told me that her body didn't actually change till her 8th month and kept wearing all her old clothes till then.

It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, it's just your build! There are perks of showing and perks of not showing :) I can definitely see the positives of both! Ignore people's comments if they make you feel bad, you should surround yourself with positivity!! I know that sounds weird, but you should be able to enjoy your pregnancy in all aspects of it. Whether your bump is round and big or not, it's still beautiful and it's still amazing that your LO is growing inside it and that you can feel the movements! :)
What you wrote sounds exactly like it could be me! I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow and am not really showing at all either. I have a friend who lives right by me who is a couple days ahead of me and has the roundest little bump. And me I have nothing.. i can tell a difference in my stomach but everyone says I don't like pregnant that I just look like I have a "pudge" -___- I've had a girl actually tell me that my baby is fake and that I'm not pregnant because I'm not showing yet. I was fine with my almost nonexistent bump until everyone kept talking about it and comparing me to other pregnant women. Some people say I should feel lucky that I'm so tiny but I'm honestly so jealous of seeing everyone else's cute bumps :(
I didn't really have a bump until I was 26 weeks, but trust me, by 40 weeks I was massive! You will get a bump, you will probably wish by the end that you didn't have such a massive bump when you can't sit near a table to eat and you can't reach your feet :rofl:
I wish I had less of a bump. People think I am having twins, or that I am about due.. My dr told me it's because it's my 2nd pregnancy. He said it's easier to have babies after your first, but much harder to carry them. I don't have the muscles to keep baby tucked in, so he is riding fully in front of me, which is causing a ton of back and leg aches.

Plus, I feel like a huge cow.. :/ Been in maternity clothes since I was 12 weeks. I miss wearing my old clothes, and I can't even wear my old pj's..argh!

You will get the bump you want. Before I started showing, I was eager to, now I wish I could take it back lol. Not the pregnancy, by any means...but wishing for my belly to be big. I can't even paint my toe nails myself anymore, much less get socks on by myself.

Good luck, dear. Just trying to make you feel a little better about having a small bump.
I didn't get a really round noticeable bump until about 25 weeks ish with Coralie. There's still time hun :hugs: Try not to let it get you down.
What I found worked during the transition to full on bump my first time, was a nice fitting maternity shirt and a belt above the bump to show that I'm really trying to accentuate it.

Before you know it you will have a lovely bump, and then it will be a huge bump, and then a so massive you wonder if it will ever go back to normal bump ;)!! :hugs:
I have a friend that is the same. She is about 2 weeks ahead of me and you can't really tell. She is tall, so I guess that makes a difference. I feel like a cow when I am around her.
I'm having similar issues. I look like one of those women on I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant.

I ran into a friend of mine a couple weeks ago and he said, "Oh, have you lost weight?" and I looked at him confused, "No, I'm having twins."
I hear that tall and slender women won't even show till the 7th or 8th month. I'm only 13 weeks and I'll be so jealous of others if I don't have a cute bump in 2 months! I'm tall and thin and it's normal. I know 2 of my friends who didn't show till the 8th month!
I was moaning about the very same thing at 20 weeks. And now at 24 weeks I look like Jabba the Hutt:

There's no winning I guess!
pft beagle you are a liar - you look amazing!!!
Everyone likes to have an opinion. In the same day/outfit I had one woman say I was getting huge already, and another saying I must have strong stomach muscles as I don't show at all....

Hard to just be happy but as long as baby is happy and healthy our bodies are doing exactly the right thing x
I know the feeling. I can't wear any normal pants, but shirts fit fine. I'm just bloated.

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