Yeah, he is not wanting me, I made that clear that it will never happen, but he wants us to be friends ect - which is fair.
In all honesty, i have bi-polar and suffered with depression, I have been in and out of hospital ect and always on medication. I started to get a grip and decided to date him totry get a bit of self confidence back, but instead I feel now I am tied to having him in my life forever - like a punishment.
I just want to be able to have my baby and bond with her, but I just feel like he is going to be snatching her off me, I know he is the dad and it takes 2 to tango, and I dont have a problems with him seeing her, but I don't want him in my face and life every week becasue how will I ever move on? This is causing me quite a bit of depression and i'm really spiraling, my mental health worker has started to notice and I have been trying to keep them all off my scent and just get on with it, because i DON'T want any of this using against me and I know he will.
I don't think police would really be any help right now, and I don't want it to come to that, he is not a bad guy at all, but his eagerness is really annoying me and worrying me. I feel like I should be so happy about it all.