I have a 7 week old daughter.
I was with FOB for 2 years.
We had a good relationship, although he was emotionally abusive, controlling and he was really rough with me. Everyone thought we had the perfect relationship though (including my parents)
Anyway, FOB and his family made my pregnancy hell. They never contributed to baby things or supported me, just kept telling me to get the A word and bullying me. But they are manipulative, so from the outside they look caring.
Since my daughters been born, it hasn't got any better. I offer FOB to come to visit my daughter once a week for four hours, yet he only stays for 30 mins to a hour. In that time he plays on his phone, clock watches and doesn't interact with her. Occasionally he will ask to hold her for 5 minutes. His parents have only saw her twice, and left after 30 mins each time. FOB or his family didn't buy her anything for Christmas, they didn't even come on Christmas day. I get no money towards looking after my daughter (although FOB doesn't work)
He only comes to visit because his parents are making him, it's obvious he's bored when he's here and has no interest in my daughter. His parents have no interest in her either, I think they only come to look good to there family.
I've spoken to the MW, HV and doctor about it and they said it sounds like he wants to just walk away but his parents aren't letting him. And as he's making no effort now, they won't ever take me to court. I spoke to a solicitor before she was born and she said fathers get chance after chance at court.
I want them to make there minds up. Either be fully involved in my daughters life or walk away. It's wrong this middle ground. And he wants to take her to his house in three weeks :l his behaviours so contradictory and confusing. He's not on the birth certificate.
What do I do? I'm considering moving away to cut all ties, because it's killing me seeing them have no bond with her, messing her about and I know she's too young to realise, but it's wrong.
Please help?
Thankyou it does help to know that someone is in the same boat as me. I'm sorry you are though
I am trying to continue with my life and do what's best for my daughter.
If he continues though, as my daughter gets older and more aware, then I'm moving away, she's not being put through having a crap dad.
IMO, it's be a good dad or no dad. There's no middle ground. FOB and his family have done too much damage to me and said some sickening things about her already.
Do you ever feel guilty? I sometimes look at her and feel horrible that her dad and his family are so horrible and don't care about her, I feel like I should be doing more and that I should of provided her with a better dad.
Yeah true
I'm like you, I think I've reached that point too, where you stop caring. I know that I've done all I can to include him in her life and I've been doing the best for my daughter.
Your right, they are willing participants in the 'fun' but clearly can't handle the consequences. All we've done is sleep with the wrong men, but at least were stepping upto our responsibilities.
She has me (and I'm trying to be the best mum I can be) and she has my family who are great. She doesn't need a useless dad, who will only hurt her in the long run.
Thankyou, you've made me feel alot better and less guilty.
Thankyou and my daughters already here, she's nearly 2 months old lol
Lol it's fine is your FOB involved with the pregnancy or not?
If it's any help (as our FOBs sound similar) when I was pregnant, once we had split up and it got nastier, I didn't have any proper contact with him. He occasionally text me and then sent me a demanding letter a day before my due date. He didn't buy anything for my daughter, and hasn't supported me financially since she's born. But I never texted him, I didn't tell him I'd had my daughter until two days after (he would of kicked off), he wasn't at the hospital or birth, he isn't on the birth certificate and I picked her name. Tbh it's been the best things I've done, otherwise he would of made me so stressed and he would of had a hold on me. So I'd suggest you do something similar, because you really don't need the stress