I'm on the usual benefits single mums are on in the UK (income support, child benefit, waiting to here about child tax credit)
Anyway, ATM I live at home with my parents. However due to circumstances to do with FOB I'm really considering moving out and getting away.
My questions are:
- What benefits am I entitled to in relation to housing? And what do they pay for? Like could I rent off a private landlord and get that paid for or not? And how long does it take to be able to move into my own place?
- Will I be able to afford to pay the bills (gas, electric etc) aswell as feed my daughter and I and buy her what she needs?
- Has anyone got any personal experience to share? Where they too are a single mum, with no income or savings other than the benefits there on, yet are living in there own house/flat and managing to pay the bills and take care of there LOs and themselves?
Also, does it get harder once you start studying then eventually get a job?
Sorry for all the questions. But thankyou!