I'm Alice, 18 with a 4 1/2 month old son. He's healthy and so content and happy. Yet breast feeding was something I'd wanted to do for along time, and I had my heart set on it. I wanted that closeness and I wanted that bond with my son. I spent the whole of my pregnancy looking forward to breastfeeding him and it was INCREADABLY important to me. When he was born I tried so hard to breast feed him, and he would not take it. He flat out refused, he would scream and scream and scream everytime I tried, he wouldn't/couldn't latch and just wouldn't take the breast. I had a great supply, but I found expressing far far too uncomfortable and painful. I still think about it alot. I am so guilty and depressed about my failure to breastfeed my son, I've developed PND and I feel strongly that this is alot of the reason behind it. I feel horrible when I think about it. I just wanted to, I still want to, so badly. I know I can do it in the future but it isn't the same. I don't know what to do about it. It upsets me so so much as it really was something that was so important to me.
Luke looks for my boobs when he is hungry now and it makes me want to cry. I wish there was some way I could bring back my supply so I could try again with him. I don't know what to do about it all because it makes me want to cry. I feel so guilty.
Luke looks for my boobs when he is hungry now and it makes me want to cry. I wish there was some way I could bring back my supply so I could try again with him. I don't know what to do about it all because it makes me want to cry. I feel so guilty.